Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Michelle Rhee group gives $5,000 to Missouri Speaker of the House

Any bill that has been anti-classroom teacher, anti-pubilc schools has received a warm reception from Speaker of the House Tim Jones, R-Eureka.

That should come as no surprise since Jones, as I have noted numerous times on this blog, received a $100,000 campaign contribution from retired billionaire Rex Sinquefield last year.

Missouri Ethics Commission documents indicate that Jones also picked up $5,000 from Michelle Rhee's Students First group March 31.

Jones, of course, was one of the 55 votes in the failed attempt last Wednesday to eliminate teacher tenure and force Missouri school districts to base at least 33 percent of teacher evaluation on students' standardized test scores.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I don't know it kinda makes sense. Lawyers will say and do anything if they are paid enough. Johnny Cochran was my absolute all time favorite.He was a world class skirter of the truth and damn proud of it. I bet he and Satan talk about it all the time now and I bet they fight over who was the best liar. I don't know who is further down the evolutionary path, Amway salesmen like Brian Nieves or lawyers like Tim Jones? I do know this. The amount of justice you often receive is equal to the amount you can pay for. That lesson was not lost on Rex Sinquefield or Lea Crusey. Heck, why be honest with wanting to punish liberal, democratic voting teachers when you can just buy politicians and send out lying e mails to parents about how it is "for the kids". It is not and they are not. They hate teachers and want to crush them so they can install a for profit school system because education is a place where they can convince investors that education is recession proof and the next 'Bubble". Just look at the push for standardized teasts scored by standardized machines in schools where kids will have services like janitorial and food service provided by outside companies and will be taught by "at will" teachers. I will bet you that the best and brightest college graduates are not going to teach in schools where they have no job security and contribute to a retirement plan (401K)that on their salary they can never put enough money away to ever retire.I think the math there is simple. This paid for House Speaker should be ashamed of the things he does for money and we should be as well.
