Friday, April 05, 2013

NEA issues action alert as anti-teacher tenure bill heads to House floor

The Missouri NEA issued an action alert to its members today following the House Rules Committee's decision Thursday to approve a bill which would eliminate teacher tenure and require a substantial portion of teacher evaluations to be based on students' scores on standardized test scores. Members are encouraged to contact their legislators. The text of the action alert is printed below.

The House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee voted 13-10 to approve a second HCS version of HB 631 (Kevin Elmer) on April 2.  The bill was approved by the House Rules Committee on April 4 and the bill could be taken up on the House floor early next week.

The bill would remove tenure status for all currently tenured teachers.  The bill forces all teachers to start over and requires at least four consecutive "effective" evaluation ratings under the evaluation labels and other mandates imposed by the bill.

The bill imposes intrusive state mandates that will interfere with the the new evaluation system already being evaluated and implemented in districts across the state.  One provision requires at least one-third of teachers' evaluations to be based on student test scores on state assessments.  

The bill also takes away local control and flexibility in the hiring, promotion, firing, layoff and compensation of public school teachers. 

The Association strongly opposes this attack on teacher tenure and massive imposition of unproven mandates and elimination of local control and decision-making.  

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