Saturday, April 06, 2013

Schaefer: We have passed another vital gun resolution that doesn't mean anything at all

In the following news release, Sen. Kurt Schaefer, R-Columbia, talks about his success with yet another of the long list of the big bad federal government is coming to get us, so we are going to strut and wave meaningless resolutions in its face legislation.

The Missouri Senate gave final approval this week to Senate Joint Resolution 14, sponsored by Sen. Kurt Schaefer, R-Columbia, which, if approved by voters, reaffirms the rights of Missouri citizens to keep and bear arms. The measure also requires the State of Missouri to uphold these rights and protect against their infringement.
“This measure is about protecting a fundamental right that this country was founded upon,” said Sen. Schaefer. “If we allow the erosion of even one constitutional principle, because it is the topic of the day or due to political pressure, then we acknowledge that every one of those rights is vulnerable, that any of them can be taken from us. We cannot allow this happen.” 

If approved by voters, SJR 14 would amend the Missouri Constitution relating to citizens’ right to keep and bear arms.  The resolution states that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of their family, in addition to the current rights in defense of themselves, their home and their property.  Finally, the resolution states that the rights guaranteed under this constitutional amendment are unalienable, and the state of Missouri is obligated to uphold these rights and under no circumstances decline to protect citizens against the infringement of this right. 

“Our country once again finds itself at a crossroads, poised between two paths:  one that robs us of our most fundamental liberties for the illusion of safety, and one that upholds the rights preserved in our constitution. As a lawmaker and as a citizen, I believe we must stand in defense of every right, or risk losing them all,” said Sen. Schaefer. “This legislation ensures that Missourians have the right to bear arms, and the state will do everything in its power to protect that right.” 

Senate Joint Resolution 14 now goes to the House for consideration.

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