Wednesday, June 19, 2013

C. J. Huff: Bright Futures improved morale for Joplin school employees

In this video from one year ago, Joplin R-8 Superintendent talks about the difference Bright Futures has made in the Joplin community. At about the four minute mark, he notes how the program has improved employee morale in the school district.

Joplin MO Superintendent C J Huff from Craig Elliott on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    How in the heck does he make that claim? Was it the constant barrage of gifts just prior to the bond issue vote? That was absolutely overwhelming, according to the teachers I know. There were cookies and trinkets, and even jackets for some teachers in what appeared to be an attempt to persuade them to vote for the district plan. And then no one has appreciated teachers at all since the bond passed. Maybe the best way to ascertain morale would be a vote of confidence. Or just figure the percentage of teachers who have left and compare it to previous years.
    Maybe my mistake is assuming he means teachers. If he's talking about all the extra people that they've hired, he might be right. Anybody figure out yet how many people currently work in the administration building now as compared to even a few years back?
