Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Anonymous reader: Turner, you're a bully

An anonymous commenter just put me in my place.

"Bleeding the taxpayers dry." "The massacre at McKinley" "admin to teachers - every move you make we will be watching you" "huff's excessive spending spree" 

These are just a few of the headlines you have chosen when blogging about them. If you were in school all you would have to do is add "go kill yourselves. No one likes you." Bully. That is how you come off. And a bully is usually someone who is very insecure with themselves and only feels better when putting someone else down.

I certainly never meant to hurt anyone's feelings.


  1. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Whatever you do, Turner, don't report the truth. It hurts those who believe in the Easter bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy. They also believe that Huff leaps over tall buildings and that Angie is a good gal. The documents you've posted proving your points mean nothing to them. The myth must live no matter what. It's a much prettier story and requires no thought or action on the part of the reader. The truth is a major inconvenience.

  2. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I like the Turner Report. Just like the MODOT administrators, I check it every day to see what Turner reveals about their corrupt actions. It's quite amusing to watch them squirm as they struggle to pretend noone knows what they've done. That's why Angie got this timely job offer--Huff sits on the MGU Board and found a way to get her out of the way. That's why she's been cramming online courses down everyone's throat. She needed to be able to claim she had instituted that. Now, who is going to rescue Huff before the truth is revealed about how he got those magic numbers for accreditation? Who's going to take the fall for him? Goodness knows he'll never be man enough to own up to it. He cries nearly every day. He'll try to blame it in somebody else, you watch and see. You'll be able to read about it right here on the Turner Report.

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Sometimes the truth hurts. Keep reporting Mr Turner.

  4. Anonymous8:21 AM

    No one else in town is going to report the corruption. The school district set out this year with a goal to post as many positive report in the Globe as possible. The school and the Globe are working together to make this happen. Keep reporting Mr Turner.

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Really people? Bleeding your dry? Massacre? Stalking? These are words to describe a scary movie. Not the administration. Way too extreme.

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM

    10:05 We all wish those headlines weren't true. It is a very scary and unbelievable place to be. Doesn't seem real.

  7. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings." Really? Who do you think you are kidding? Randy your blog is much like In Touch magazine or The National Enquirer. If you want to reach the sane people in Joplin who actually vote you need to regain the integrity you once possessed when it comes to journalism. Otherwise you are destined to be that weird obsessed guy forever.

    Also do you appreciate how I actually help you with this blog? I get your followers/Huff haters so enraged they become more invested. Hmm... Maybe I should stop.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Oh please. Check your ego. It's way out of control. You're not that profound.

  8. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Ain't it amazing how all these Public Folks are lining up to claim victim status? Nothing is ever anybody's fault because they are all victims of someone else's actions. I particularly appreciate the City and School District folks who bask in the public media patting themselves on the back, who go psychotic when someone disagrees with them. Just a word of advice to Huff and Rhor, you all had best run while you can.
