Friday, November 22, 2013

Ron Lankford of DESE: Ferguson-Florissant falsified attendance records in 2012

Deputy Commissioner of Education Ron Lankford, in a letter sent to the assistant superintendent of Ferguson-Florissant, wrote that changes were made to the district's attendance in August 2012:

Lankford writes that DESE will assist in making the needed data corrections. He also states that once corrections are made, the district could further be contacted about financial impacts.
The Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education met in a closed meeting to discuss the preliminary results.

Superintendent Dr. Art McCoy has been placed on administrative leave.

School districts receive state money based on attendance.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    It's amazing what can happen when even just ONE school board member takes an ethical stand. Imagine what FOUR could do. Dream big.

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Aren't school members bound by law to report unethical and illegal activities in their districts? So, was that board member acting out of ethics or self-preservation? Either way, I suppose, the deed was done. A good moral example of what should be done by elected officials representing the public trust.

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I do dream big. I dream of the board putting an end to the Besendorfer/ huff tyrannical reign. I dream of my school being what it once was... I dream of the right people being in charge. I dream of DESE and other local officials holding the administration accountable. I dream of parents taking an interest in the true direction of where this central admin office is taking their school. But, I can't make reality out of my dreams. If I could, huff and co would have been gone a long time ago.

    Return my faith in the system, School Board... Now's your chance. It's long overdue...
