Friday, November 22, 2013

Superintendent suspended for submitting false attendance statistics

Whether this is a sign of things to come locally, I don't know, but in the Ferguson-Florissant School District, the superintendent has been suspended, supposedly after a state investigation into false attendance statistics.

Interestingly, there has been a change in the way attendance has been kept at Joplin High School recently. Has nothing to do with this story, just one of life's little coincidences.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Has nothing to do with this story..."

    You just can't help it, can you Randy. Always trying to poke a stick in someone's eye. I feel sorry for you and hope you come to see what you've become.84

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Waiting for you to find a way to make this sound like a crime. 2:15 Amen!

    Joplin High School has been recognized as an Apple School for 2013 through 2015 for its one-to-one laptop initiative. The initiative focuses on access to technology, collaboration, instruction, and professional development. Every teacher and student at the high school has access to his or her own MacBook and a wealth of online resources. Collaboration between teachers, district staff, and the community helped to create a project-based, technology-rich curriculum that encourages curiosity, exploration, and real-world application of learning. Support and tools for teachers include coaching staff, online instructional resources, and ongoing personalized professional development.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    8:19's story is well and good, but the scores don't reflect a whole lot of learning going on, and it has nothing to do with the blog except to detract from the real issue, which is that a superintendent was caught in fraudulent activity and actually received some repercussions. His SCHOOL BOARD turned him in rather than GO DOWN WITH HIM. That's the story here.

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    11:59 likes stick pokers and muckrakers. Dreams of perpwalks.

    Me too.

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM

    An award from the only supplier for the computers isn't very impressive.
