Thursday, November 21, 2013

Video- Complete interview: Principal Gilbreth on release of Memorial Middle School shooter

KSN/KODE posted this online extra video of the complete interview with South Middle School Principal Steve Gilbreth following the release of Thomas White, who as a 13-year-old seventh grader in October 2006, took a gun into Memorial Middle School, shot into a ceiling, then pointed the gun at Gilbreth, but the trigger jammed.


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Wow, great interview. Good on him for forgiving him. That has to help White sleep at night.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Perhaps a nit, but it wasn't the "trigger jamming". This fortunately inexperienced shooter didn't properly seat the magazine in the rifle, so after the first shot was fired, the bolt failed to properly strip the top round of the magazine out if it and into the chamber.

    Perhaps not a nit because someone more experienced with guns, perhaps older, wouldn't have made this mistake ... then again, few who are really experienced with guns do these sorts of shooting, the Newtown shooter is the only recent example I can think of.
