Thursday, January 16, 2014

Things I'm Thinking About, January 16

Some of the things I have been thinking about:

TV Leads the Way over Joplin Globe- As those who have followed this blog over the years are well aware, I occasionally received smartaleck comments from people who absolutely hate me, but can't seem to live their lives without reading what I write. Today, I received one of those comments. The reader wanted to know if I planned to "take credit" for the Joplin Globe finally writing about the lawsuit filed by former Royal Heights Principal Larry Masters against Joplin R-8 Assistant Superintendent Angie Besendorfer.

The answer to that question is no. The Joplin Globe did not write about the lawsuit until it our local television stations not only featured it, but led their newscasts with the story. After that, it appeared in the Globe. I am certain that if our local TV reporters had not broadcast the story, we would still be waiting to see it in the Globe.

The philosophy at the newspaper of record is simple- if it runs in the Turner Report, it is not news. If it runs in the Turner Report and then it's on TV, something has to be written about it.

A case in point- The lead story in the Wednesday Joplin Globe, right at the top of page one, was the information that Joplin lawyer Daniel Whitworth had received a letter from the U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri telling him he is the target of a grand jury probe. Not only did the Joplin Globe wait until the TV stations ran with the story, but the Globe story ran a full six days after it was featured in the Turner Report.

The Globe's upper hierarchy seems to be under the mistaken impression that they can ignore the news because it's not news until they say it is.

That philosophy is getting to be more and more embarrassing for the Globe. The largest news-gathering staff in Joplin is being beaten consistently on stories by the local television stations and far more times than it should be by the Turner Report.

Is a Medical School for Joplin on the Horizon?- I am hearing that talks are heating up with the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences (KCUMB) on a medical school for Joplin. Reportedly, some heavy-hitters in the Joplin and Neosho areas, people who are known for putting big money into political campaigns have raised about half of the money that will be needed. Reportedly, if this happens, it will not be located at the location of the current Joplin Public Library as had been speculated, but on the controversial prairie land that had been discussed earlier. 

Doesn't Angie Besendorfer have a contract?  Questions remain about the impending departure of Joplin R-8 Assistant Superintendent. Didn't she sign a contract to work for the school district? Does her pay end at the moment she leaves or is she being paid through the end of her contract? It's not that I am complaining that she is leaving, far from it, but it would be highly unlikely that a teacher would be let out of his or her contract to go to a better job. In fact, any effort to do so would probably be met with threats of having the teacher's license revoked.


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Maybe the board knows why she's really cutting and running and are just glad to see her leave like the rest of us.

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Angie has become a liability to the district. Too much conflict and way too much dishonesty. By leaving on her own she and the board can avoid the bad publicity of firing her and the board doesn't have to admit to anyone that it's been hoodwinked for years. Lots of face saving here.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Good plan to run off the few readers who don't agree with you but still read and comment on your blogs. Every time someone comments an opposing opinion it creates more interest in this blog. I can read blogs all day long that cater to my personal beliefs but that bores me. Without the haters reading your blog it will die. I will never ever give you the courtesy of commenting again. Watch your comments plummet randy.

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Really, 9:03? Such melodrama. Just because you got your feelings hurt or some such by a little criticism doesn't mean everyone else will stop reading and commenting. What an egomaniac.
