Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Video- Kim Seavy to Joplin City Council: You people disgust me

Kim Seavy begins shouting at the Joplin City Council at about the 30-minute mark in this video. Get Microsoft Silverlight


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    If I was Mark I would send those dummies a Jimmie Fallon thank you note and I would buy searce a new hair piece 80 thousand dollar raise and in great weather the joke is on billy&benny

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    if you watched the video at the time of Mr Seavy speech did you hear the Mayor 'sigh'? Its plain as day she sighs during his speech. She needs to go along with her group of worthless council members.

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    kim seavy also known as mik yvaes on facebook should move to texas to pursue his man crush.

    the only people that should be disgusted are the women in Joplin that witnessed 4 councilmen vote to retain a domestic abuser. But I guess that type of city manager is ok with mik

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    morris made the extra effort to kiss seavys behind

    if morris and the other 3 were as interested as they say they are at keeping Joplin on track for full recovery they would quit encouraging the grandstanding by every kook that wants to be a 5 minute star.

    I wonder if seavy has any domestic abuse calls in his background because he seems to have the same temperament as rohr. if people don't agree with you just yell at them

    1. I can confirm that this is his style of "communication," though I doubt you'll find any court cases regarding his abuse. Source - I'm his biological daughter and was "raised" by him for 15 years.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    what disgusts me is people like kim seavy that think its alright to yell at people that cant respond to him. Probably yells at women and children too but never at a full grown adult male that can give an attitude adjustment.

  6. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I agree, I am disgusted with the block of 4, especially Mr. Shaw. How can you continue to support Rohr and let Seavy and Jackson continue to verbally abuse the other members of the council, talk about political agendas! I think the council needs to unite, a vote has been made, grow up, stop the name calling! What is Seavy and his pack going to say when the city is forced to spend thousands of dollars on an audit and they find nothing!!! I think the Mayor is sighing because she is tired of all this BS from the Wolf Pack of Seavy and his jerks!
