Sunday, April 06, 2014

Carol Stark lectures about open government, but bars public from school board forum

In the second day of its release of documents from the Loraine investigation, the Joplin Globe followed the same pattern it established in the first.

The Globe printed three articles and a self-congratulatory column by Editor Carol Stark in today's edition.

One article centered on Loraine's contention that Rohr was crossing the line and usurping power that should belong to the City Council. Another concentrated on the testimony of city council members.

The third article was a full page devoted to Joplin contractor Charles Kuehn, who refused to answer Loraine's questions, but apparently was happy to sit still for friendlier questions from the Globe. The article seemed designed to give Mike Woolston a boost right before the election, especially since the Globe has yet to bring in the testimony of people interviewed by Loraine who did not make the city councilman out to be squeaky clean.

It was Carol Stark's preachy column on the opinion page that should leave people grumbling. We absolutely appreciate the fact that the Globe went to court to get these documents opened, even though it doesn't appear they plan to do much with them, other than to steer readers to their website. Perhaps not even that, since many readers have cut the website off since the five-article limit was implemented.

Mrs. Stark concluded her column by writing, "Ask your elected officials why they are shutting you out. If they see you as the "opponent," maybe you need new representation.

What a fine, noble message coming from someone who deliberately barred the public from attending the March 24 Joplin R-8 Board of Education candidate forum.

What is it they say about glass houses?


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM


  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    That she still considers herself a journalist is the biggest joke in the world.

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    She couldn't let the public in. They might make her friend wittle bitty CJ look bad and he might cry. Or maybe Flowers is afraid to face us. Most bullies are cowards on the inside.

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    She probably sacrificed an extra trip through the buffet line to write that bilge.

    In addition to voting Tuesday, show the Globe what a lousy rag it has become by voting against it with your feet. If you subscribe, cancel. If you buy off the rack, don't. The Globe operates on a razor-thin margin (if that). It wouldn't take many cancellations or un-bought copies to hurt the editor somewhere other than her gullet.

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Surprisingly, Carol Stark did not defend Rohr's abuse of his wife. I am also surprised that four councilmen would want to keep him on as city manager, knowing he was a wife abuser. Report says councilman Shaw was the Rohrs' marriage counselor. Since Shaw is his boss, that seems really strange to me. Rohr says he did not beat his wife... What a "bald faced lie"!

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I just found this site and I must say how refreshing it is to see others who r as happy as me that corrupt Rohr is gone and who realize Carol Stark is hurting the globe –Thank you Randy for a great site!

  7. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The Globe should change its name to the Joplin Enquirer and quit pretending to be a "news " paper.

    How about when it seems like the globe is your opponent? What then Carol? The only thing they have accomplished is ripping this city right down the middle. On one side you have the haves and on the other side the have nots.
