Monday, April 28, 2014

Missouri may become second state to dump Common Core

This week the Missouri Senate will begin debating a bill that would require a rewriting of state standards. If the bill passes and is signed by Gov. Jay Nixon, it will make Missouri the second state to drop Common Core Standards:

Now the Senate is scheduled to debate legislation this week that would charge a panel of educators and parents with writing new student performance goals to replace Common Core. The House passed a similar bill earlier this month.
Critics of Common Core said lawmakers should have been consulted on the decision when the State Board of Education adopted the standards. They want Missouri to write its own student benchmarks with involvement from lawmakers.
“There was no open and transparent process,” said Sen. John Lamping, R-Ladue. “I think once Missourians found out they had no say on the adoption of those standards, they now want their own.”


  1. Anson Burmashave8:21 PM

    My experience as a substitute teacher has determined that to be a most unfortunate solution for a very vexing problem. Teachers should be willing to accept that their "college education" and "certification" do not render them unquestionably qualified for self-governance and scientifical determination of the best way to teach. My extensive research has determined that Common Core standards are indeed the best solution for any problem that ails you.

  2. That sounded so much like that other Anson that it fooled me completely. I thought it was just Anson leaving another gift for me. Nice job!

  3. Please feel free to keep commenting, Mister Burmashave. You made my day and taught me a valuable lesson about being careful about jumping to conclusions.
