Wednesday, June 04, 2014

So you want to be a Joplin R-8 kindergarten teacher

In the time it takes to read the job description for the newly-opened kindergarten teacher at Columbia Elementary School, five more teachers have probably resigned:

Job Description


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    At this point, just breathing is probably enough of a qualification.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Evidently. Maybe that's why we have so many teachers who keep being arrested.

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    It's funny about the attendance policy listed in the listing. Why you may ask? Because it doesn't take in account the already 10-15 days you will be out of the classroom for "professional development". My child's 2nd grade teacher was great, the days they were there. They mussed over a calendar month for PD. When I worked for this dump, teachers were gone all the time for wasteful PD. THEY WINDER WHY THERE IS SUCH A SHORTAGE OF SUBS.
