Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Video- Ignite Church pastor: on gun giveaway: I don't know what the big deal was

A page one Joplin Globe story Sunday dealt with Ignite Church in Joplin's decision to have a giveaway of AR-15 rifles in an effort to bring people to the church. This morning on KZRG, the church's pastor Heath Mooneyham explained the giveaway and answered its critics.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Well, the big deal is that KRZG has host that are "pastors" and that term is used lightly, that are employed by KRZG, so there is a conflict of interest there, right? Also, the Ignite Church, as a Bright Future religious organization, which forces itself on you at a local Joplin School is a little more then a person can tolerate. There are some employees that are members of the cult, um, I mean church and Ignite people are there too much. The Ignite people also wear shirts that state "We don't negotiate with terrorist" at the school all the time. So they probably have a hoard of guns, David Koresh style.
