Monday, July 28, 2014

C. J. Huff- 6 1/2 mile ribbon won't cost taxpayers a cent; we're hitting up donors

A report from KOAM's Stacey Lindsay


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Originally the big ribbon ceremony was supposed to be on opening day of school and now it's pushed back to October 3rd. I guess C.J. needed more time to strong-arm donors into paying for the stupid ribbon after taxpayers raised their voices in protest about R-8 or Bright Futures paying for the stupid thing.

    I would like to know who ultimately sponsors this and I will make it a point not to do business with them. That money would be much better spent on educational items or clothes/supplies for students in need.

    He still misses the point. Let me get the shocked look on my face.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Add in the fact that there have been so many different stories about what the ribbon is about.

    This is a BIG part of the problem! There isn't transparency and part of that is because of the lies. Why lie if there isn't anything to lie about?

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM


    Except it is not really funny.

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    If I was incredibly wealthy, I would buy a 7 mile ribbon and donate it to a different area school or business with the agreement that it would be unveiled on the same day as the Joplin Ribbon.

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Wonder how much Tamko will be donating toward the ribbon costs? LOL

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    What happened to it is the "kids" idea and they will pay for it by raising money. Then Bright Futures chimed in and said they will pay for it and risk not having enough money to help kids in need. If I'm not.mistaken that is why they exist. Now hehas delayed that idiotic idea because they have to hit up donors. What is the truth R8? I am unable to see through all the BS. Not very transparent.

  7. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I wonder why that silly "reporter" didn't ask CJ why, when the district is so broke and wil have to rely on donations for so much, that we would ask our donors for something so trivial? And didn't he have enough taste or sense to understand the negative conntations of "mission accomplished"? Of course he doesn't. I'm sure in his mind he has national media focused on the pretty ribbon and then maybe they won't notice how poorly everything else is going in Joplin Schools.

    And, did anyone else notice the ribbon cutting has been put off nearly a month? What might that imply--the building won't be finished enough? We were promised August 25. Or, was he able to coerce some big personality to come if it was delayed until October? This wasn't news. It was a publicity stunt in CJ's media blitz as he continues to try to fool the public with wasteful sensationalistic nonsense. And the local "news" outlets play along because they lack either the intelligence or the courage to do better. Smoke and mirrors. Distractions.

    It is way past time to put away the dog and pony show and get students back to work at academics. A more tasteful opening with the choir and bands performing would have been so much better. A few speeches, focusing on what was lost in order to get this new building. But no. It'll be a media blitz in order to get CJ attention. That's all it is ever about. And the board, as usual, lets him get by with it.

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I think "Thank You" would have been better on the ribbon.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Instead of a ribbon, I think they should have purchased a giant cauldron. C.J. could have ran the
    6 1/2 mile path of the tornado, Olympic-style torch held high above his head, finishing at the new high school. Along the route, nearly all of Joplin could line the streets, neighbor holding hands with neighbor to form a giant unbroken chain. Man, woman, and child would scream and chant, "C.J.!, C.J.!, C.J.!" as he passed, knowing how close to greatness each of them came. As he triumphantly finished the run, he would use the torch to light the giant cauldron, sending a soaring flame into the Joplin sky. All the little people gathered to celebrate would speak to each other about how the flame is like the light C.J. brought into the darkness that was Joplin before his arrival. It would be glorious. It would be glorious.

  10. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Just drove by the new school. Looks worse than ever. Maybe they better change that to a black ribbon that says "mission impossible." Time to get real, Huff. I don't want my kids in that mess. Someone will get hurt.
