Monday, July 28, 2014

Complete video- July 22 Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting

If board member Debbie Fort had not asked questions about the C. J. Huff Administration's plan to go into long-term debt to cover "might-as-well" spending, the public would not have known that the board passed a resolution to authorize it.

The exchange over the long-term debt begins at about the 2:06.27 mark in the accompanying Jet 14 video.

The video also includes a detailed explanation of security at the new high school,


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    In response to Debbie's question, Ms. Sharp states that they wanted to "touch every building". What happened to Columbia and West Central? If I am not mistaken, they are the oldest buildings in the district. I remember being promised and swayed by Dr. Huff that Columbia would get a new school if the bond issue passed. I now know that we were all lied to and that was just being said to us to get our votes. Equity for all kids is obviously not important to this administration.

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Why is Mike Landis on the Board of Education? It appears to be just a social event to him. All he does is whisper like he is telling secrets through the whole thing. Worst yet, his neighbors sitting by him actually allow it! Very rude, embarrassing and inappropriate.

  3. Anonymous5:46 PM

    If you touch Columbia very hard, one side will fall off.
    West Central is in better shape but out of date, plus being right on 7th street just isn't good.
    The mention of a new school that would combine those two sent the Columbia parents into a tizzy--they don't want to be with "those kids" and won't support anything that would make that happen.
    There isn't any equity in R8. Just lots of lies and whatever Huff & Co. want.

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I don't remember a discussion about combining Columbia and West Central into one school. I live in the area of Columbia and don't remember a tizzy about not wanting to be with "those kids". The only discussion I heard was that parents wanted to keep their neighborhood school. I don't remember a promise to rebuild West Central and Columbia with the bond issue, but I do remember Huff making statements to the media that the school district would need more money because the children at Columbia and West Central would be jealous of those with the new schools. If the idiots with the district have their way, the city will end up with two more nasty abandoned buildings just like Emerson and one or two more Las Vegas style elementary schools probably located south of 7th street.

  5. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Anybody know the name of the arrogant looking gum chewer in the video. He's got the sunglasses hanging from his shirt. Who is that guy?

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I found out his name is barless. Nice posture, big boy!

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Principals and staff at both schools were told that there would be enough money for a bigger, combined school so all kids would have new schools, not just the ones from the tornado destroyed ones. As time went on, Huff started saying he wasn't sure but he was certainly trying and then there just wasn't going to be.
    When some of the parents at Columbia heard about combining schools, they said they would not support anything that meant they didn't have their neighborhood school AND they didn't want to be "with those kids" from West Central. Maybe you weren't included in all the discussions.
    We don't need anymore old empty buildings or new ugly ones.

  8. Anonymous1:41 PM

    It amazes me how the Board so nonchalantly takes on this debt! There should have been ample money available for these construction costs. The bond, insurance, donations, and reserves are all gone. It is inexcusable. And mark my words, since CJ has gone unchecked by his paid-off governing body, there will be much more to come. They aren't done by a long shot.

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Huff's email to faculty and staff told them that the district is financially sound and conservative.
    I'll bet he has a bridge to sell too.

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Mike, CJ, and any of the others who exhibit unprofessional demeanors at the board meeting do so because they fear no repercussions from their board president or the district stakeholders. They have gotten away with everything so far, so what have they to fear? Parents need to contact them constantly, along with the Missouri School Board Association, and if necessary, their local representatives. These problems will never be cured from within. They don't see the problem.

  11. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Please fix or learn to use the mikes. It's worse on here than on TV.
    I guess it doesn't matter since it's all a bunch of bologna any way.
