Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Missouri GOP: We're happy the poor won't have access to health care

The Missouri Republican Party wasted no time issuing a news release following an Appellate Court decision that says giving tax subsidies to the poor so they can buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional in states like Missouri that did not establish health care exchanges. The following news release was issued:

Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Matt Wills issued the following statement today in response to the U.S. Court of Appeals ruling in the case of Halbig v. Burwell:

“From the get-go, Missourians have seen ObamaCare for what it really is – a bad policy riddled with legal problems and a disastrous implementation. In 2010, 7 in 10 Missourians voted to block ObamaCare’s individual mandate. In 2012, 6 in 10 voted to prevent Governor Nixon from establishing a state-run healthcare exchange, and they were right in doing so. Since the day of its passage Missourians have made their feelings about ObamaCare abundantly clear. Today’s appeals court ruling echoes the voice of Missouri voters.

“With an ear to that voice, Republicans in the Missouri legislature have worked to craft legislation that minimizes the devastating effects of ObamaCare. In contrast, the Democratic duo of Jay Nixon and Chris Koster has repeatedly called for the widely unpopular policy to be accepted, implemented and even expanded. When Koster refused to join 20 other states in a lawsuit to stop ObamaCare in 2010 it was a Republican, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder, who stepped up and fought for our state by filing a lawsuit of his own.

“Unlike many of his fellow Attorneys General who are rightly fighting ObamaCare on legal grounds, Koster has decided time and time again to side with Barack Obama and ignore the will of the people he was elected to serve. The verdict is in: KosterCare isn’t working.”


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Taxpayers are going to subsidize healthcare for the impoverished one way or the other. If Missouri won't expand medicaid or provide subsidies so unemployed and underemployed can buy insurance under the Affordable Care Act, we will just continue paying for emergency room visits, etc., which is even more expensive.

    It infuriates me that the Missouri Republican Party is trying to justify their position by saying they are simply fighting for the will of the people they serve. If the ignorant people they serve wanted to go back to segregated schools would they fight for that? Probably.

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I saw nothing in that that said anyone was happy about this at all!
