Friday, August 29, 2014

Carl Junction, Webb City schools top 6-8 MAP scores

Sixth Grade Communication Arts
Scoring Proficient or Above Average

1. Jasper 79.2
2. Webb City 63.5
3. Carl Junction 52.8
4.Carthage 44.0
5. Joplin 41.9
6. Avilla 40.0
7. Sarcoxie 37.1
(Joplin South scored at 48.2, Joplin East 39.1 and Joplin North 37.3)

Seventh Grade Communication Arts
1.Carl Junction 63.1
2. Webb City 60.3
3. Avilla 56.5
4. Joplin 55.7
5. Carthage 52.2
6.Jasper 51.3
7.Sarcoxie 46.2
(Joplin South scored 56.7, East 56.0, and North 54.0)

Eighth Grade Communication Arts
1. Webb City 60.4
2. Carl Junction 55.5
3. Avilla 50.0
4. Joplin 48.0
5. Jasper 46.9
6. Carthage 44.0
7. Sarcoxie 31.3
(South 53.9, North 51.9, East 35.3)

Sixth Grade Math
1. Jasper 83.4
2. Webb City 63.5
3.Carl Junction 57.9
4. Sarcoxie 52.9
5. Carthage 52.5
6. Joplin 45.1
7. Avilla 40.0
(South 52.0, North 43.9, East 37.3)

Seventh Grade Math
1. Carl Junction 66.9
2. Webb City 64.5
3. Jasper 56.7
4. Carthage 56.0
5. Joplin 53.6
6. Avilla 34.8
7. Sarcoxie 32.9
(South 56.4, North 52.3, East 44.2)

Eighth Grade Math
1.  Webb City 64.9
2. Carl Junction 55.5
3. Joplin  48.0
4. Carthage 41.2
5. Jasper 40.6
6. Avilla 33.4
7. Sarcoxie 30.8
(North 52.3, South 44. East 29.7)

Eighth Grade Science
1. Webb City 61.2
1. Carl Junction 61.2
3. Joplin 50.2
4. Avilla 45.8
5. Carthage 45.7
6. Jasper 43.8
7. Sarcoxie 34.6
(South 53.4, North 53.2, East 44.2)


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    It was not surprising to see that East Middle School scored at the very bottom of the 3 middle schools in Joplin, due in great part to the extremely low staff morale, under the nonexistent leadership and poor excuse of a principal known as Bud Sexson. He should be ashamed of those scores, as they reflect DIRECTLY on his lack of appropriate leadership. The district should have terminated his employment when the staff brought these problems before the administration. However, CJ kept a poor excuse for a principal on, just to spite Randy Turner, who was shedding light on the serious nature of the poor state of the entire East Middle School. Do you know who really lost in all of this? The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who deserved far better. Shame on Bud Sexson, and shame in CJ for allowing this to happen.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    You mean those thinkng stairs to nowhere, the millions spent on iPads, the TLCs, the standards based grading, and the brain-based ugly colored pods didn't create miracles in learning? East is a waste all the way around. No leadership, good teachers run off, no trust, no discipline equals no learning, no matter what the facility looks like.

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Joplin's scores just go to show that it isn't innovation that creates learning. It's attendance, effort, discipline, and good teachers who feel supported and have what they need. In any other district the superintendent would've been fired long ago for the lack of academic progress alone. Joplin is financially, morally, and academically bankrupt, but its Board of Education firmly clings to its little despotic purveyor of the dream. And they wonder why everyone is moving to Carl Junction or Webb City? You pay a fortune in taxes in Joplin, but your kids won't get your money's worth.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Bud Sexson should've been fired a couple of years ago. If CJ keeps him it'll be because Bud has something on him. He isn't being kept because he's doing a good job in any regard. Bessie brought Bud here. She's gone. There's no reason to keep the jerk around anymore.

  5. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The only way to get rid of Bud Sexson is to get rid of CJ Huff. To get rid of CJ Huff you must get four votes on the Board. To do that you must make sure that Dawn Sticklen's replacement is not Shawn McGrew or Jeff Flowers, because you can bet CJ Huff has them ready to go. It is past time for parents and patrons to flex their muscles and say ENOUGH ALREADY! Call your Board members. Email them. Engage them publicly in conversation. Encourage them to select a candidate that is for the children, so to speak, and not for CJ Huff. If you don't, then live with your schools the way they are.

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    A word of caution regarding scores: They can work those numbers around. Be ready for a celebration on some way to look at those.
    Agreed: R8 is a mess.

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Wow Carthage is mediocre!

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Carthage also has a very large percentage of Hispanic speaking students. Comparing schools without looking at "clientele" is worthless, however that is life. Hopefully you see growth within the schools. A revolving door of teachers does not help, either.

  8. Anonymous10:24 PM

    11:46 - half of those Carthage scores come from kids learning English. I'd say Carthage is far above mediocre. I'm impressed they scored as high as they did!
