Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jim Evans begins series of issue forums

(From Jim Evans for Congress)

Jim Evans is committed to transparency and authenticity in his campaign and his prospective service in Congress. He believes that every citizen of Southwest Missouri deserves the opportunity to participate in open public discussions of the critical issues which profoundly affect their lives and the lives of succeeding generations.

In accord with that commitment and belief, Jim will begin a series of forums focused on subjects of compelling interest to area residents as voters, workers, business owners, retirees, students, farmers, veterans, neighbors and family members.

The first of these, dedicated to an examination of America’s Trade Policies, will be held on Wednesday, August 27, at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the DoubleTree Hotel, Kearney and Glenstone in Springfield.
To facilitate an exchange of views on this vital matter, Jim visited the local office of Rep. Billy Long and extended a friendly invitation to Representative Long to join the discussion. This was accomplished by direct conversation with a staff member who, in response, indicated that Rep. Long would “probably not” be in attendance for this open public gathering. Media and the public are encouraged to contact Rep. Long’s office regarding his participation in this forum.

Jim Evans understands that our country’s current trade policies have not served the interests of most Americans. Furthermore, Jim knows that similar prospective schemes will primarily benefit giant global corporations and the world’s richest elites and harm local communities.

As evidence of Jim’s intention to serve the people of our area and not partisan political purposes, he forthrightly acknowledges that these harmful agreements have been pursued and supported by members of both political parties.

Jim will act on behalf of the vast majority and the common good, not powerful special interests, and he will seek common ground with those who put principle over principal and people over profit regardless of their political allegiance.

Achieving a renewed national pathway to prosperity that rewards work and sustains families and communities through full employment and living wages is Jim’s goal and his pledge. A first step toward the realization of this aspiration is the restoration of fair trade policies and practices. Without such a fundamental redirection, hope and change for most poor, working class and middle class Ozarkers will be illusory.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Billy Long will probably be in Las Vegas gambling and eating on our tax money. Besides, he isn't familiar with transparency and honesty.
