Saturday, August 30, 2014

MAP scores provided for Joplin, Jasper County elementary schools

The following MAP scores show the percentage of students who scored proficient or above on the annual MAP tests:

Third Grade Communication Arts
Webb City 64.0
Carl Junction 53.2
Carthage 34.4
Joplin 30.8
Jasper 26.6
Sarcoxie 26.4
Avilla 10.6

Fourth Grade Communication Arts
Webb City 58.1
Carl Junction 48.5
Carthage 45.8
Jasper 45.2
Avilla 42.8
Sarcoxie 41.5
Joplin 41.1

Fifth Grade Communication Arts
Jasper 65.7
Carl Junction 51.0
Webb City 50.3
Sarcoxie 50.0
Avilla 47.7
Joplin 43.5
Carthage 42.7

Third Grade Math
Webb City 72.1
Carl Junction 65.7\
Carthage 46.7
Sarcoxie 41.5
Joplin 34.9
Jasper 26.7
Avilla 10.5

Fourth Grade Math
Webb City 58.1
Carthage 42.7
Sarcoxie 42.5
Carl Junction 38.4
Avilla 38.1
Joplin 34.7
Jasper 32.2

Fifth Grade Math
Jasper 68.8
Webb City 58.3
Carl Junction 56.8
Sarcoxie 44.2
Joplin 43.9
Carthage 42.8
Avilla 41.2

Third Grade Communication Arts
Webb City Harry S Truman 69.6
Webb City Eugene Field 66.7
Joplin Kelsey Norman 64.6
Webb City Mark Twain 61.3
Carthage Steadley 57.4
Joplin Stapleton 56.8
Carl Junction 53.2
Webb City- Carterville Elementary 52.2
Carthage Mark Twain 49.2
Joplin Columbia 48.6
Carthage Pleasant Valley 39.4
Joplin Royal Heights 34.8
Carthage Columbian 30.9
Carthage Fairview 30.7
Joplin Cecil Floyd 27.6
Jasper 26.6
Sarcoxie 26.4
Joplin Soaring Heights 26.2
Joplin Eastmorland 24.5
Joplin West Central 24.3
Joplin McKinley 19.6
Joplin Irving 18.8
Avilla 10.6
Joplin Jefferson 3.7

Fourth Grade Communication Arts
Webb City Harry S Truman 66.1
Joplin Stapleton 60.6
Carthage Steadley 59.8
Webb City Carterville Elementary 57.1
Webb City Mark Twain 56.5
Joplin West Central 54.6
Carthage Mark Twain 52.1
Carthage Pleasant Valley 52.0
Joplin Kelsey Norman 50.0
Carl Junction 48.5
Webb City Eugene Field (between 45.8 and 50.5)
Jasper 45.2
Joplin Eastmorland 45.1
Joplin Soaring Heights 44.7
Joplin Columbia 43.2
Avilla 42.8
Sarcoxie 41.5
Joplin Irving 41.0
Joplin Cecil Floyd 37.8
Carthage Columbian between 37.3 and 42.7
Joplin Royal Heights 33.3
Carthage Fairview 28.1
Joplin McKinley 22.9
Joplin Jefferson 21.1

Fifth Grade Communication Arts
Joplin Kelsey Norman 67.5
Joplin Stapleton 66.7
Jasper 65.7
Carl Junction 51.0
Webb City Middle School 50.3
Sarcoxie 50.0
Avilla 47.0
Joplin Columbia 44.2
Joplin Irving 43.0
Carthage Middle School 42.7
Joplin West Central 39.1
Joplin Cecil Floyd 37.8
Joplin Eastmorland 37.5
Joplin Royal Heights 31.7
Joplin Soaring Heights 31.1
Joplin McKinley 26.6

Third Grade Math
Webb City Harry S Truman 78.3
Webb City Mark Twain 70.4
Webb City Eugene Field 69.7
Webb City Carterville 68.1
Joplin Kelsey Norman 67.6
Carthage Pleasant Valley 66.7
Carthage Mark Twain 57.2
Joplin Stapleton 56.8
Joplin Royal Heights 45.6
Joplin Columbia 43.3
Sarcoxie 41.5
Carthage Steadley 41.1
Joplin Soaring Heights 38.3
Carthage Columbian 36.2
Joplin Cecil Floyd 30.6
Joplin McKinley 29.4
Joplin Eastmorland 28.9
Jasper 26.7
Carthage Fairview 25.0
Joplin Irving 18.8
Joplin West Central between 13.5 and 18.9
Avilla 10.5
Joplin Jefferson 7.4

Fourth Grade Math
Webb City Harry S Truman 66.1
Joplin Stapleton 60.6
Webb City Carterville 57.1
Carthage Pleasant Valley 56.0
Carthage Steadley 55.5
Webb City Mark Twain 55.3
Joplin Kelsey Norman 52.3
Webb City Eugene Field between 45.5 and 50.5
Carthage Mark Twain 43.8
Sarcoxie 42.5
Joplin Soaring Heights 40.7
Avilla 38.1
Joplin Columbia 37.5
Joplin Eastmorland 35.3
Carthage Fairview 34.6
Joplin Royal Heights 33.3
Jasper 32.2
Joplin Cecil Floyd 30.5
Carthage Columbian between 28.9 and 33.3
Joplin Irving 28.9
Joplin West Central between 22.7 and 26.8
Joplin Jefferson 10.6
Joplin McKinley 2.8

Fifth Grade Math
Joplin Stapleton 74.3
Joplin Kelsey Norman 71.4
Jasper 68.8
Webb City Middle School 58.3
Carl Junction 56.8
Joplin Columbia 51.2
Joplin Cecil Floyd 45.1
Sarcoxie 44.2
Carthage Middle School 42.8
Joplin Royal Heights 41.4
Avilla 41.2
Joplin Eastmorland 39.7
Joplin Irving 35.2
Joplin Jefferson 32.6
Joplin Soaring Heights 31.1
Joplin McKinley 17.2
Joplin West Central 8.7

(Note: The schools that do not have an exact figure listed are ones that had two categories that had percentages small enough that they were not listed, so I used the possible range of scores it could be.)


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Finally the truth comes out. CJ Hiff didn't fail us, we failed him. The students failed him, the teachers failed him, and this poor backward community of Joplin failed him. We don't deserve him such an illustrious leader as this wonderful man. He should go somewhere where he is appriciated. Not here. You know....somewhere else.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Wasn't it last year that Huff launched his literacy plan? He was going to inflict his presence on the teachers for the first 20 days and send his staff out to lead the way.

    Yeah, that worked.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    It would be interesting to see how the elementary schools are doing now under their Huff/Besendorfer regime principals as compared to their progress under their former principals. Doesn't look like Soaring Heights, with all of its bells and whistles, is exactly soaring academically, anyway. Or McKinley. Or West Central.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I'm in shock! Absolute shock!

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I thought the TLCs, technology, and new buildings were supposed to cure all of the learning woes in R8. Apparently, we need to go back to what we were doing before all this innovation was put into place. Waste of time, waste of resources, waste of tax dollars, and harmful to children. That's the Huff administration's legacy in a nutshell. Good job, School Board, for allowing this to go on for yet another year.

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Wasn't CJ hired to fix those lackluster scores? Mission Accomplished! They are now rock bottom. Shall we get the ribbon out now?

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Wow, I am shocked also. I knew there were some issues at Joplin, but this is cause for concern. My children went through Joplin years ago, it was a wonderful experience. Under Dr. Simpson the scores climbed and it was nice to say they attended an "accredited with distinction" school. Now it's just sad to watch the problems and issues this district is having. If this school board does not take these scores seriously then they need to be dismissed.
    Board--STEP UP and support the kids!!!

  8. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I have a child at Soaring Heights in 3rd grade and their teachers are telling the students that if they don't do well on this test, they will fail.
