Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Billy Long too busy to attend Seventh District Candidate Forum

(From Jim Evans, Democratic Seventh District Congressional Candidate)

Tonight, at 7 p.m. in the Plaster Student Union at Missouri State University, a forum for candidates for Congress for the Seventh District will be held. The event is sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the MSU Center for Community Engagement.

Jim Evans and Kevin Craig will be there. Rep. Billy Long will not.

Jim Evans believes that candidates and office holders have a responsibility to make themselves accessible to the citizens they seek to serve. Apparently Billy Long does not.

Jim Evans has participated in multiple major community activities such as parades and festivals throughout the area this year, no matter how small the community. Billy Long has appeared at none of them.

Jim Evans held public meetings in Springfield and Joplin to openly discuss the issue of America’s trade policies and invited Congressman Long to join him. Billy Long refused.

Jim Evans proposed a series of such open public meetings on various topics in various venues throughout the district. Billy Long rejected the proposal.

Jim Evans is not afraid to be challenged, by an opponent or member of the public, on his views of the critical matters facing our country. Billy Long evades such opportunities.

Jim Evans respects and trusts the citizens of the Ozarks and is honored to be able to meet and talk with them. Billy Long’s behavior indicates that he holds them in contempt.

Jim Evans has traveled throughout the region to engage the voters. Billy Long has traveled to Las Vegas and Azerbaijan on privately-paid junkets to please big-money special interests.

On November 4, voters in the Seventh District must decide who will best represent them in the United States House of Representatives. By their actions, Jim Evans and Billy Long have made that an easy choice.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    They could have lured him in with a all you can eat buffet

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Next time try an all you can eat buffet paired with a poker tournament for the win!

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Billy knows there's no need to serve the people of his district or show up to any forums or debates. He knows that no matter what he does or more importantly doesn't do he will still be re-elected. Sadly, he has a job as long as his republican cronies want him there. They are assured that the people of his district will not look to vote for the best candidate but whoever the Republican candidate is, whether it's in their best interest or not. So Billy can attend all the buffets, Las Vegas trips, and photo-ops he wants confident in the fact that he will still have his job.
