Friday, October 24, 2014

Billy Long: We need to ditch proposed EPA rule

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Government regulations have been trending upwards at an alarming rate over the past few decades. These new regulations flowing from unelected bureaucrats hinder job growth and are hitting hard working taxpayers with increased costs.

In September, the House passed bipartisan legislation to rein in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the agency seeks to redefine "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act (CWA). I voted to ditch this rule.

The EPA is leading the way when it comes to threatening our freedom and job creation with the department's regulations. The EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) have been attempting to expand the federal government's regulatory powers under the CWA by redefining "waters of the United States." Under this proposed rule, almost any low spot where rainwater collects could be regulated by the federal government. The protection of our natural environment, including air and water sources, is very important for all Americans. America has one of the very best environmental records in the world and enjoys an immense bounty of naturally beautiful ecosystems. However, the EPA has increasingly attempted to impose harsh rules with dubious or non-existent environmental benefits. Instead of allowing this to continue, I suggest we focus on passing legislation that will protect landowners from burdensome regulatory overreach and irrational rules.

Recently I voted alongside a number of my colleagues to pass the Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act (H.R. 5078). This legislation specifically exempts from federal jurisdiction streams which may only form when rain falls, prohibits the EPA and Corps from regulating or reinterpreting the definition of navigable waters without Congressional authorization, and returns the authority of waterways not under the jurisdiction of the CWA to states and local authorities.

We need to ditch this EPA proposed rule, and it is my hope that passing this bipartisan legislation will serve as an attempt to begin the very necessary rollback of federal regulations. I will continue to work to reduce regulatory burdens and protect the freedom of all Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Nice plug,very attention-getting and I love how the timing is right before the election.let's take a look at attendance, achievements, and all the pertinent issues that have been addressed within the existing term. I believe in re-electing nobody. I think we should have fresh people every year, every two years, every term. So that everybody gets a chance to take a taste of the gravy train. Incumbents, need to go away, let the lobbyists work harder on the next group.
