Friday, October 10, 2014

C. J. Huff receives standing ovation during speech in Canada today

It was another short work week for C. J. Huff, at least as far as his responsibilities as superintendent of the Joplin R-8 School District are concerned.

Huff received a standing ovation this morning after giving the keynote address at an educational professional development meeting for the Elk Island Public School District in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.

The accompanying photo was taken during Huff's presentation.

The comments rolled in on Twitter:

Dr. CJ Huff from Missouri, delivers a stirring keynote about the F5 tornado that hit his district. Standing O.

Paying it forward even in the face of tragedy. The best learning for kids is by giving back! Thx CJ Huff for your inspiring us!

Joplin superintendent @CJHuff speaking to @eips PD. #inspiation #learning #tornado #Missouri

Thanks to @CJHuffJoplin for such a powerful keynote speech this morning

What an emotional keynote from @CJHuffJoplin at #eipspd today

"People don't care how much you know, they have to know how much you care." Inspiring start to our PL Day! @CJHuffJoplin #eipspd #fortsask

Celebrate Daily...It Matters. Great quote from @CJHuffJoplin#eipspd

Thank you @CJHuffJoplin for sharing your story. A fabulous speaker! #eipspd

Huff is scheduled to return to Canada next month when he is the keynote speaker of the annual 2014 Joint Conference of the Saskatchewan School Boards Association, the Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials, and the League of Educational Administrators, Directors, and Superintendents of Saskatchewan.

The schedule for that event shows that Huff will speak from 12:45 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 18, at the Saskatoon TCU Place.


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  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Did he take a vacation day? Or, was he double-dipping?

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    When CJ dies, they are going to give him an enema, and bury what is left in a matchbox.

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Please read aloud to your Canadian audience to demonstrate your literacy:

    "I am we Tod it.
    I am sofa king we Tod it."

    Repeat aloud several times for effect.

    You are welcome.

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    What do you call CJ buried up to his neck in cement?

    Not enough cement.

  5. Anonymous8:27 PM

    In my mind I keep seeing that famous scene where the giant statue of Sadam Hussein is ripped down and disrespected by the newly liberated Iraquis. Only, I see CJ's face on the statue, and Joplinites celebrating his demise.

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM

    He should spend less time on the road and more time making sure the performing arts wing of the high school is finished so the fine arts kids can actually have classrooms! Did you know they are still having to drive back and forth to the 9/10 campus?

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Be patient with the performing arts wing. They still haven't decided where to put a sink hole.

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Canadians are so polite. They are starved for fiction. CJ Huff, born a poor black child in the impoverished salt mines deep within the mountains of Southwest Missouri. After curing cancer in his kindergarten science project, this prodigy brokered a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. After perfecting the American educational system, he left his post as the Secretary of Education to give back to the community, which already owed him so much. His decisive and courageous actions saved millions of lives in the most devastating torhuriquakanami to ever hit this or any other planet. Before the natural disaster had even ceased he built rebuilt an entire city, complete with subways, pyramids, and a state of the art air highway for the flying cars he created while simultaneously rescuing all of Missouri. After delivering America from mother nature's fury, he saved the World from an alien invasion (secretly of course). For this quiet hero would never accept recognition or glory. He is content just knowing that the Universe is a better place, benefitting from his presence.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    For that size of a crowd, Skype would have worked. Whomever paid the bill to fly him to Canada and back should have spent the money on "their kids"...

  10. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "People don't care how much you know, they have to know how much you care..."??!?

    Still waiting to find out how much he cares.

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    We mere mortals could never hope to fathom the depths of HIS caring. We must content ouselves with the glow from his everlasting being. (Cue the angelic choir)

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM

    NO and OF COURSE!!!
    You overestimate the size of the box!!
    Every... Time... He... Opens... His... Mouth!!
    CJ's gigantic ego would fill up all the sinkholes and mine shafts in Joplin solving two problems at once and there would be no need for cement!!
    I have a dream!!!
    He should stay on the one way road straight out of town!! Let the experts do their jobs, something he knows nothing about!!
    They know where it's going, they haven't decided how to disguise it yet!
    A well written biography! Lmaooooo

    How does he go out in public and not know that he has only 3 friends? Does he cry like a baby to keep from being beat up? He has to leave the country to get praise! I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror!! I pity his family, it must be hard knowing how much he is hated!! Maybe, just maybe that's the reason he cries so much!! Lol

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

    CJ loves the little children, all the children of the world. Whether yellow, black, or white, they are precious in his sight., CJ loves the little children of the world.

  14. Anonymous1:53 PM

    If the Canadians love him so much, they can have him. No need for vetting. His stirring, self-reported, acts of heroism are sufficient testament to his character.

    It makes you wonder if the esteemed BOE that hired him, bothered to make a phone call, after hearing his glowing recommendedation of himself.

  15. Anonymous2:16 PM

    If lovin' CJ is wrong,
    I don't wanna be right.

  16. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Are you chitting me? Is that all the people that attended his speech (see the photo)? The word on C. J. must be getting out!

  17. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Ridiculous. I'll bet he cried! Wish the ticket was one way, never to return again.

  18. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Anyone who has spent any time in the education field, has realized that the best administrators never stopped being good teachers. CJ has never been either a good teacher or administrator.

    He has however taught us that politicians make lousy administrators and socialites make terrible board members.

    Hopefully, we can get some good educators and truly caring citizens to join the two decent board members trying to clean up the CJ fiasco.

  19. Anonymous8:47 PM

    That was quite a turnout for the Big Speech.

    6:17...I truly laughed out loud reading your comment! Thanks.

  20. Anonymous4:17 AM


    As a journalist, you should include all of the Twitter posts; not just the ones thst support your friend.

    I thougt there would be refreshments # hungry # long winded speaker

    I thought Americans were taller # snowwhite # seven dwarves

    OMG Americans really are enamoured with themselves # humility # self promoting

    My boss said I had to be here # be polite # inspired yada yada

    Why is he crying? Was he actually in the tornado? # BS # heartless putz

    If this guy is so indispensable, who is running his district now? # really? # hoser

    All in all, I would rather be at work, eh. # tweet tweet # teetaly deet deet

    Is he like the only hero from that whole tornado thing? # hero? # hashtag

    I yawned so big I almost swallowed my face. # I hate my boss # St. Louis Blues suck!

    Go away little man. You are not impressing anyone here. #OZ # Toto

  21. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I wonder if when CJ read 6:17 he thought, "Sounds right."

  22. Anonymous5:12 AM

    People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

    It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

    If he can claim credit for rebuilding Joplin and creating all these well known quotes, what else is up for grabs?

    CJ Huff:

    "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

    "Ask not what Joplin can do for you. Ask what you can do for Joplin."

    "Read my lips. School begins on time."

    "Mission accomplished."

    "If the construction tmeline does not fit, who gives a s#;?"

    "Anson, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

    "We're not in Joplin anymore Toto."

    "Vini, vidi, vici."

    "I built this city on rock and roll."

    "Gee ma, you know I'm not like other guys. I'm nervous, and my socks are too loose."

    "Never have so many owed so much to so..well me."

    "Can't touch this."

    "Four score and seven years ago, CJ Huff brought forth a new nation."

    "When in the course of human events, one Superintendent finds the bonds of BOE oversight an encumbrance, he shall sever these bonds using a Jedi mindtrick."

    "Never overestimate the intellect of a distracted Board member."

    "Have it my way. Have it my way. Have it my way at Joplin Schools."

    "I'd like to teach the world to think. But you're all too damn dumb. I'd like to buy you all a coke, and distract you with my thumb."

    "Forgive them BOE for they know not, well, anything."

    "At last, the time has come... for Joplin, to see the right way.

    Although... they piss and moan, and question me... so impolitely.

    One day..,they'll realize my wonderment, why did they fight me?

    But oh...all through it all.....I did it My Way!"

    "What an artist the world has lost in me."

  23. Anonymous5:59 AM

    If you think CJ is bad now. Just wait 'til he hits puberty.

  24. Anonymous7:17 AM

    CJ Huff cannot live without an adoring crowd, albeit a small crowd. He is an egomaniac who is not interested in work or honest results, but in constant affirmation of his worth. That is one reason for his corrupt behaviors, other than greed. It is the appearance that counts, not the actuality. So, he will cover up holes in the ballfield before they have been accurately assessed, he will spend unlimited money to make things look good, and he will fire anyone who dares point out the truth. He is a ruthless little dictator who only cares about the superficial. If he cared about student learning or knew what to do about it, he would have fired his current directors and replaced them with someone capable years ago.

  25. Anonymous7:19 AM

    It's funny no one in Joplin really even notices when he's gone. He could be gone for weeks and no one would be able to tell the difference. We might even be better off. So keep him on the road. Send his little helpers with him. Let the rest of us get back to the real business of school.

  26. Anonymous7:14 PM

    CJ loves me, this I know,
    For the PR tells me so.

    We are dumb and he is smart,
    We don't feel,
    But he has heart.

    Yes CJ loves me,.,,
