Tuesday, October 21, 2014

C. J. Huff: Teachers love it here and we have no discipline problems

In a tour de force even for the master of media manipulation, Superintendent C. J. Huff and his administrative team just completed three hours of telling the Joplin R-8 Board of Education and those who watched the meeting on Jet 14 or on the Turner Report, that everything is going well in the school district.

In fact,every criticism that has been leveled at the Huff Administration is completely off base.

Among the things the public and the board learned tonight:


The number of teachers leaving the district has been much exaggerated. The percentage is down from 14.90 percent to 10.64 percent, Huff and his chief operating officer, Tina Smith, said. Mrs. Smith said that number included anyone who resigned or retired, but not anyone whose contract was not renewed (for instance, part-time reading instructors).

"I don't see any concerns," Huff said, adding that he and his team have worked to improve the climate in the buildings and "we're seeing good results."


The number of disciplinary referrals is down by 100, Executive Director of Secondary Education Jason Cravens reported. Cravens credited the positive behavior plans being implemented at the schools, as well as working with teachers on what issues should be handled in the classroom and which should be dealt with by the office..

Huff made it a point to say, "There has never been a directive from my office to fudge the numbers whether it be with graduation rates or school discipline."

Cravens said much of the credit for the improved discipline at the high school is due to the new building, with the lighting and the wide open spaces cutting down on student misbehavior.

The improvements with discipline, according to executive director of elementary education Jennifer Doshier are "all about how we can help our teachers."

Cravens added, in case anyone did not get the message the first time, "There's not a burden on the teacher not to write referrals."

Board member Jim Kimbrough asked Cravens if he had any anecdotal evidence from teachers that the disciplinary situation was better. Cravens said he did, though he did not volunteer much. "From what I am seeing," he said, "it's getting better. It feels better."


Questioned by board member Debbie Fort about an item on the bills for $1,200 for printing for the ribbon used at the October 3 Joplin High School dedication, Huff said $15,000 had been raised to cover the costs for the event, which seemed to mean that the $1,200 would be covered from that amount.

Huff was not happy with the question, however.

The next time she had a question like that, he said, he would like to know ahead of time so he would have time to gather the information.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    This is a pack of lies. No one talks so no one gets fired. Cravens is a hack.

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    The guy looks more and more like Billy Long's cousin.
    Or brother-in-law.
    Or brother.

    Think he might even be a little smarter than Billy.

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Maybe CJ needs to remember he works for the board and not the other way around. If staff talked to him that way in private or in person they would be fired. hypocrite.

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but why is the teacher statistic described in terms of percentage but the discipline referrals in terms of real numbers? Also, down from what? What is the basis of comparison? 2013-2014 school year versus 2012-2013 school year? August through October 2014 versus August through October 2013? Without a well-defined comparison the numbers are meaningless on their own.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    There is no way to say on public commentary how much I despise this pack of liars. They use intimidation and lies to make themselves look better and to suppress the truth. But the only people they have fooled is the asses they look at in the damned mirror. The rest of us have figured it out. Teachers leave because it is miserable. And there's no way you're hiring that many new teachers if you have so few leaving, dumbasses. We can count. We went to school before CJ got here.

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    And after we die we all go to Sugar Candy Mountain, right CJ? All animals are equal, but the pigs are more equal, right CJ?

  7. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Gosh, Dr. Fort, be more considerate next time. CJ has to have time for his directors to make up some lies for him. He can't do that under the pressure of all those lights and cameras. Kelli Price will have to think of a way to package that ink story for him. He can't think that fast.

  8. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Did you notice who was sitting at the table with the grownups? Tina Brown.

  9. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The pictures on this post cracked me up. CJ looks like Boss Hawg and Cravens looks like a cheap gun. What is with that hair? It looks like horns. Appropriate. What an infomercial.

  10. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Write a referral? Don't make me laugh. Who has that kind of time to burn for nothing. Might as well spit in the wind as to look to admin for help in R8, and it doesn't matter which building you're in. CJ doesn't like referrals. They tarnish his image as the savior of Joplin's poor and downtrodden.

  11. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I used to have great respect and admiration for Cravens, Dozier and even Huff. All of them are liars and bullies. Don't disagree or they will destroy your life.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      We agree they have a whole bunch of administrative bullies in r8 school district except you forgot one mr.weaver is one if you dis agree with him .he will lie!! They all work together mr cravens, Barless I can't wait to get a vote to vote them out!!!

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Debbie fort is awesome I love working with her! She will listen to you

  12. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Why does Dr. Fort have to ask ahead of time? Why does anyone have to? It's not really an open meeting if it's all staged ahead of time, is it? And Dr. Huff's dislike of Dr. Fort is WAY to obvious.

  13. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The reason referrals are down is because even if you do write a referral and send a student to the office, they get a pep talk, a sucker, maybe a few minutes to play with some toys and sent back. There are no consequences. Do teachers just quit sending them and deal with it on their own. And I don't know what numbers they are using for teachers leaving, but that is way too low for the amount of openings that were posted..and that doesn't even count the positions they eliminated. CJ needs everything before hand so he can come up with lies and fake numbers and make sure he has some lap dog to back him up. Keep asking questions Dr. Fort...and don't give him any warning. The administration of this district is a joke. Huff is all about building buildings so he has a legacy. Unfortunately his legacy is going to be kids out of control without the skills to be successful in college and a huge debt for taxpayers to have to pay.

  14. Anonymous4:43 AM

    This entire administration is nothing but liars and fakes. Anyone that has aligned themselves with Huff deserve to go down with him when he sinks. I hope the next superintendent cleans house and starts over.

  15. Anonymous5:03 AM

    If Huff is so sure teacher's enjoy working for R8, perhaps he could allow MSTA or NEA to bring in an independent 3rd party that could guarantee confidentiality and interview each teacher. I am sure the results would be dramatically different than the lies he is perpetuating.

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Larry and Moe we are still looking for curley but i think she showed up at the city hall on Monday with her day care bs

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    LIARS!!! I worked for the R8 and if I dared write up a student and send them to the office, I was the one punished! Jason Cravens HOW DARE YOU sit there and lie for CJ Huff and his band of thieves!! You used to be one of the good guys!! What happened to you! You were the best senior principal a school district could ask for, but you have turned into a traitor! You've turned on the very teachers and students that placed their trust and loyalty in YOU!! HOW COULD YOU??

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Looks like pictures of Jabba the Huff and Julius Caesar's younger, dumber brother, Merle

  19. Anonymous6:49 PM

    9:28, I like your comment. The most annoying part of all of this is that the people that should know better either sit idly by or stand up for Huff and support things that no self-respecting educator could ever support. These administrators are like Huff in a lot of ways. They will do whatever it takes to keep their six figure salary, even if that means selling their souls. The sickening part is that they will go whichever way the wind blows. I guarantee you if the next superintendent comes in and says, for example, that standards based grading is a waste of everyone's time, you can be sure that all of these head-bobbers will pretend like that has always been what they have believed in and supported.

  20. Anonymous8:41 PM

    New figures just in:

    Graduation rate 129%
    College bound 476%
    Referrals 0
    Teacher satisfaction 1,789,643,054,443,548%
    Average Teacher pay $235,000 per year
    MAP. 100% perfect scores.
    Buildings all perfect and long since completed
    Budget Surplus $567,895,421,876.99
    CJ favorability rating (infinity x infinity)
    Teacher retention 165%
    Student satisfaction off the charts

  21. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Why would Huff say they were working to improve the climate in the buildings? You cannot improve on perfection.

    What he meant was, we are working on identifying and annihilating anyone who does not sing his praises with a mouthful of his sh!t.

  22. Anonymous6:55 AM

    No behavior issues? My butt. I know for a fact that there are many and simply pushed aside or ignored. If a teacher dares to turn in a referral be ready for the consequences from the principal or Administration. It is like a magic show in the good old R8. Now you see it. POOF! now you don't.

  23. Anonymous6:55 AM

    They ruined Cravens. Bessie led him by the hand like she was his mommy/cougar, and now he is in so deep he is unrecognizable as the educator he used to be.

    His credibility in this area is now beyond repair.

  24. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Huff just cannot get over the fact that Dr, Fort is HIS boss. He has long since ignored the fact that we are.

    Thanks Fab Five. You better get on board with this community, or get off that board. Being hated by teachers, students, employees, taxpayers, and parents is not worth what you get paid. Except for you Mikey. You make sure to line your pockets, you little troll.

  25. Anonymous12:42 PM

    "There has never been a directive from my office to fudge the numbers whether it be with graduation rates or school discipline." CJ Huff

    "I'm not a crook." RM Nixon

    "I did not have sex with that woman." WJ Clinton

  26. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Funny still that a couple of people support Fort. She was an awful administrator and even worse board member. She can't fix anything.....she is in way over her head.

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      I like debbie fort she listens

  27. Anonymous4:24 PM

    3:04 PM

    Did you post that on taxpayer time? By "couple," you mean the thousands who took the time to vote for her, or the over thousand margin above the next highest vote total?

    Your post reeks of desperation and fear.

    She was and is an outstanding educator. She is not in over her head. She does need support from the community. I don't fault you though. There were those who loved Hitler and hated FDR.

  28. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I still talk to kids and parents who remember how involved Fort was in their lives in a good way, as someone who encouraged and went out of her way to make them feel better about themselves. I have encountered in other settings and I see how hard she tries for other organizations as well, on a voluntary basis. All that on top of being very involved in the lives of her kids and grandchildren, plus a day job. Debbie Fort is tireless, and unlike our current administrators, she walks the walk. She doesn't have time to stage PR events because she is actually busy working. Think about that last one for a minute - with so much going on in the district, where does Huff get the time to do things like that ribbon ceremony? Aren't there more pressing matters?

  29. Anonymous6:48 PM

    You are obviously an administrator. You cannot discredit someone who has earned the respect of her community!

  30. Anonymous7:01 PM

    CJ Huff
    If you dare attempt to intimidate my child again ever (or the friends she is with), in that prison you call a high school, I will make it my life's mission to put you in the permanent unemployment line! You know who this is and what you did... DO NOT EVER DO IT AGAIN!!!

  31. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Dr, Debbie Fort is a kind hearted, caring, compassionate, intelligent, and sensible educator. Her deeply held Christian beliefs guide her to help others. She doesn't have to blow trumpets to call attention to her faith. Every act of kindness, every courageous defense of the vulnerable, and every demonstration of love for her fellow man is a testament to her dedication to honor the Shepard by emulating his ways. Ask any agnostic or atheist, and they will tell you Deb exemplifies that which is best in humanity, without once trying to convince you she is right. Those whom she converts, do so by her example, rather than an argument. She speaks ill of no one, even when they attack her without provocation.

    So, 3:04, I write this to tell you you are dead wrong. I suspect you already know that. She would never defend herself lke this, She spends her time helping others. If your intent was to cast doubt as to her character, you succeed only in revealing your own. Those of us who know her, know your little sniping means either you do not know her, or you fear losing your job when the band of cutthroats is finally ran out of town.

  32. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I believe allowing NEA to come in and interview teachers and staff without fear of retribution and allowing then to speak candidly would be a great idea. They have no one to speak to. No one to vent to. I know many of them are so just tired and beat down that they fear they are alone and would be punished if they speak out. Jobs are in jeopardy if you complain,or speak up to or about the Administration.

  33. Anonymous6:47 PM

    NEA did come in and interview and even help the teachers at East Middle School write a resolution (Mr. Turner posted it here). It went NOWHERE. CJ Huff effectively pushed it under the rug. Almost 50% of the staff at East was involved - even non-NEA members and still it was ignored. The teachers did not want anything other than better working conditions. They were tired of working for two egotistical bullies who know very little about education. They were also tired of working in an unsafe environment. Students threatening teachers, calling them by every obscenity, bringing weapons to class, and physically assaulting teachers were ignored UNLESS the teacher dared to write them up- then the teacher got called to the office and disciplined. Jason Cravens calls himself a Christian. I won't judge his Christianity, but he doesn't conduct himself as one. What a disappointment! I remember a time when he was a respected member of the High School staff. He could be trusted. He practiced what he preached. Teachers and students felt safe in this environment. Not anymore. Teachers are not the only ones leaving Joplin schools. Parents are moving their children out of this district. We all know it and we all write about it, but until we start banding together and vote in a new BOE to work with Mrs. Fort, nothing will change.

  34. Anonymous8:11 PM

    It must feel very gratifying to be a member of Huff & Co. With absolutely no oversight and no accountability, you can do absolutely anythng. Anne Sharpe, Mike Landis, Mike Johnson, CJ Huff, Tina Smith, and a few others will all burn in Hell. Thank God.

  35. Anonymous7:12 AM

    When Huff's ship sinks all the rats that follow him now, won't follow him when its at the bottom of the abyss he created. The rats will sell him out, to make themselves look good
