Monday, October 13, 2014

Graves: I remain committed to the repeal of Obamacare

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

Famed economist Milton Friedman once said, “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand.” What we have today, is a federal government that has put itself in charge of our healthcare system through Obamacare. The effects of this law are just now starting to be felt and it is sure to get worse.

Since its passage, without a single Republican vote in the House or Senate, Obamacare has proven harmful to all – from small businesses to family farmers to individuals. The shortage of full-time hours and jobs due to costly and confusing regulations being forced on small businesses is unacceptable. Our economy relies greatly on small businesses, which are responsible for creating 7 out of every 10 jobs. The complex rules and regulations resulting from the President’s healthcare law will only stifle that job growth.

Recently, the IRS released a number of new forms and instructions that small businesses must fill out in order to comply with Obamacare. These forms are lengthy, confusing, and very costly to small businesses. Ultimately, these forms will result in small business owners spending more money on attorneys and tax preparers – and less money investing in new jobs and expanding their business. It’s no coincidence that during Obama’s presidency the industries that have seen the largest growth are those dealing directly with taxes and regulations. I have written IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and made him aware of the concerns I hear repeatedly from small businesses in the 6thDistrict and across the country. I look forward to his response and ensuring that this matter is resolved.

I remain committed to the full repeal of Obamacare, but until then I will continue to look for ways to give small businesses and all hardworking Americans some much needed relief from this disastrous law.


  1. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "I remain committed to wasting time for the benefit of pandering to my constituency on issues that get them riled up."

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "I remain committed to my mission of seeing that the good citizens of this country are once again denied medical benefits for preexisting conditions. I vow never to think for myself, and only use talking points prepared by our political strategists. I promise all of you fine voters that I will come up with no solutions of my own for improving this country's health care system, but instead work hard to convince everyone that only 3rd-world countries like france, Germany, England, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Ireland,Canada, Australia, etc... would offer universal healthcare."
