Thursday, October 02, 2014

Hanging of the six-and-a-half-mile ribbon begins

Whether this is being done by adult volunteers or through the courtesy of the taxpayer dollars, was not mentioned, but the hanging of the six-and-a-half-mile ribbon for Friday afternoon's dedication of the new Joplin High School/Franklin Technical Center has begun.

This photo was posted less than an hour ago on the Joplin Schools Facebook page with the following message:

It's official. The 6 1/2 mile ribbon installation has begun! Don't miss the JHS/FTC dedication and ribbon cutting tomorrow at 1 p.m


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Ludicrous. Joplin is a joke.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    If you give him enough ribbon he will hang himself.

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The sad thing is, had he not acted like sucha little despot, and honestly aquired the funds from donors... the community might have supported this.

  4. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Get Tony Orlando on the phone!!

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM


    If those on the roof are being paid, is OSHA fall protection in place?

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Who is charge of verifying the length of this ribbon?
    I hear Joplin administrators are not very good at Math

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Seriously--that little piece of kite string is the amazing 6 1/2 mile ribbon that caused all of this debate?!?!? Come on--somebody jump out and yell "Bazinga", since this HAS to be a joke, right?!?

  8. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Dear Randy:

    You should charge CJ for all of the trial balloons you have launched for him. He should at least thank you publicly for providing him with his only symbalence of actual public sentiment.

    He knows it cannot be found in the fltered propaganda piece known as The Joplin Globe.

  9. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I had visualized a much wider ribbon. With a giant bow. This is very underwhelming.

  10. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I would like to know if the manufacturer of that ribbon provided Huff with some "lube" to go with that $15,000? I hope he at least got a hug and a kiss! Lmao
