Friday, October 17, 2014

Health Department: Low risk of Ebola case occurring in Joplin

(From the Joplin Health Department)

The City of Joplin Health Department is working closely with area public health officials, first responders and the medical care community in monitoring the ongoing Ebola outbreak and actively planning for a response. Established communicable disease protocols are being adapted for an Ebola response.

The Ebola situation is constantly changing and we are staying current with the latest developments and planning accordingly. To date there have been three confirmed cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States. None of these three cases were acquired in a community setting in the United States. There are a few facts that need to be addressed to keep the Ebola threat in perspective.

• Based on the current situation, there is still considered to be a very low risk of a community-acquired case occurring in the Joplin area.

• Ebola is only spread through direct contact with bodily fluids of a sick person. Ebola has not been documented to spread airborne, through water or in general, by food. However in Africa, Ebola may be spread by handling bush meat.

• The average incubation period is 8-10 days although it can be from 2-21 days. People are not contagious during the timeframe from when they are exposed to Ebola until onset of symptoms.

• Ebola does not live for long outside of a host. Studies have shown that the virus dies quickly on a surface that is not visually soiled.

• For more information on Ebola visit the CDC website

For more information contact the City of Joplin Health Department at 417-623-6122 or your medical provider.

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