Sunday, October 26, 2014

Joplin Globe stands up for public's right to know

From time to time over the past year, I have had readers tell me they cannot see how the C. J. Huff Administration has withstood the barrage of posts I have written detailing corruption, intimidation, misuse of taxpayer funds, and sheer incompetence.

Every time someone has told me that, I have said that as long as I am the only one reporting on these stories, my record for accuracy does not matter, the documents I have posted to back up my reporting do not matter, all C. J. Huff has to do is say that this is just a disgruntled former employee  seeking revenge and the problem magically goes away.

The change will not happen until the rest of the media begins reporting on ringmaster C. J. Huff's circus of horrors.

Slowly, but surely, that is starting to take place.

The first to begin digging into the Huff Administration was KOAM, led by veteran education reporter Lisa Olliges. The station jumped on the infamous $8 million in "might-as-well" spending that CFO Paul Barr mentioned during an R-8 Board of Education meeting, though it did not use Barr's phrase, which has become a derisive term used to refer to almost any spending that C. J. Huff and his crack team recommends.

KOAM also looked into the six-and-a-half-mile ribbon and did a strong two-part report on the school district's push to construct a $15 million early childhood center- a center that would put it in direct competition (with an unfair advantage) over people who make their living operating day care centers.

KZRG's morning team of Chad Elliott and Darren Wright held C. J. Huff's feet to the fire during an August interview after Huff had misled the public by claiming that the new high school had not failed an inspection when the city inspection form clearly was marked with the word "failed." Huff had to admit to KZRG that it had failed, but tried to cover himself by lamely claiming that he did not know those inspections were graded.

And now for the first time, C. J. Huff's efforts to control the message have been called out by two of the biggest news sources in the area, KZRG and the Joplin Globe.

Though neither mention Huff by name, the latest attempt by the superintendent and his R-8 Board puppets to intimidate first-year board member Debbie Fort, was noted by the radio station and the newspaper.

After Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting, KZRG reporter Joe Lancello was asking Dr. Fort questions concerning remarks she had made about teacher professional development and the amount of time it was taking away from the classroom.

The board's attorney, John Nicholas, the same John Nicholas who is on the ballot for a Jasper County judge position next month, interrupted and said that all questions for board members needed to go through Board President Anne Sharp- it was "board protocol."

It was intimidation- plain and simple.

As far as I can tell, neither the Globe nor KZRG asked Nicholas who had given him the order to stop the interview. And though I am sure Nicholas would deny it, he would not have stopped Lancello if the KZRG reporter had been interviewing board members Mike Landis, Lynda Banwart, Randy Steele, or Shawn McGrew.

It was more of the same childish games Huff and the board have been playing with Dr. Fort since she joined the board in April and began questioning the way things have been done- something that someone should have done a long time ago.

Those who have watched the board meetings on television or have seen them in person, have had the opportunity to see Landis roll his eyes when Dr. Fort speaks, whisper back and forth with Huff, and have seen them obviously in the act of sending text messages during the meeting, some have said to each other.

Huff warned her at the end of the last meeting that if she wanted to ask him questions about the board meeting she should let him know beforehand what they were so he could come up with the information.

Board President Anne Sharp slapped Dr. Fort down at an earlier meeting simply because Dr. Fort asked a question that her constituents had asked her about having to pay fees to park at the new high school. Despite the fact that many constituents had been asking that question and the people who had the information were in the room, Sharp coldly cut Dr. Fort off and told her if people wanted to know, they could call the principal.

So much for public service.

When Dr. Fort's questions about the district's out-of-control spending became embarrassing, the Huff team submitted a policy change that would eliminate the Finance Committee. That effort was not successful, but no doubt the idea will be revisited.

On Tuesday night, John Nicholas was sending the message that Debbie Fort was not to talk to the media and if she did she was in big trouble.

You would think a lawyer, soon to be a judge, would have more respect for the First Amendment and more respect for the taxpayers of the Joplin R-1 School District- the people who have paid his hefty fees.

Both the Globe and KZRG reported on Huff's heavy-handed intimidation techniques, with Nicholas taking the brunt of the coverage.

Today, the Globe Editorial Board took it a step further.

The public elects each member of the board, not just a board president. And the last time we looked, the public does not elect the board attorney, or the school's public relations person, to whom Sharp said media should ask questions.

When asked whether a reporter can ask individual board members after a meeting to clarify their statements or explain their positions, Sharp said they should ask those questions through Kelli Price, the school district's public relations person.

Sharp even said that follow-up questions should be directed to Price instead of to board members.

We aren't going to do that and neither should you. By avoiding the media's questions, board members are dodging you.

After all, we are asking those questions on your behalf.

Now that the Globe has thrown down the gauntlet, it is time to live up to its lofty words and carry through with its pledge.

It is time to start asking the tough questions and see where they lead. It may be the only thing that can save the Globe from the embarrassment that is going to take place when the state audit report is released. The report is undoubtedly going to reveal many things that could have been and should have been brought to the public's attention long ago.

It is too late to save the millions that C. J. Huff and his compliant school board have squandered or to undo the harm that has been done to district employees. It is not too late to do something to help the people who still work there and the thousands of children who are dependent on Joplin public schools for their education.

I pose this question to the members of the traditional media- if C. J. Huff is willing to use tactics such as these in an effort to intimidate a board member elected by a wide margin by district voters and do it so blatantly in front of everyone- then why are you having such a hard time believing that he has created a culture of fear that has destroyed a school system that was heading in the right direction before his arrival six years ago?

KOAM, KZRG, the Joplin Globe, and hopefully, others are finally starting to take a look at the monster they have helped create. It should never have taken this long, but as I have told people for the past year, once they join in, C. J. Huff's days in Joplin are numbered.

I am eagerly anticipating the final audit report, but there is no reason for the media to wait for Tom Schweich. Start asking C. J. Huff the tough questions.

It shouldn't be difficult. After all, he's in Joplin at least three days a week.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Are the administration members and Huff supporters going to refer to the Globe as "bottom-feeders" as well? It is truly a sign of tide-turning that the overly-cautious Globe editorial board has begun to draw a line. The pattern of narcissistic behavior has finally caught up to Huff. His friends are going to leave him hanging to save themselves eventually; there is no honor among thieves.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    If Debbie Fort wants to speak then she can speak whenever she wants. The board president just runs the meeting, they have no more power than any other member. Debbie is the one who needs to start standing up for herself and begin to start calling out Anne. Anne can tell her to move on or ask a principal, but Debbie doesn't have to listen. She can do what she wants, and the board can't do anything about it. Only a recall could keep her off the board. So if she has something to say,then she needs to say it and not worry about what Anne or John Nicholas has to say about it.

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Do not expect the Globe to change their stance. They are cheerleaders for R8. Expect at best the most positive spin they can deliver in support of whatever the Board does. The Globe is an "establishment" rag, a supporter of the status quo, and not willing to cry out that the emperor has no clothes.

    "All the kids have always known, that the emperor has no clothes. But they bow down to him anyway; it's better than being alone."

    Truly cowardly.

  4. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I think this is a little public push back by the Globe. I expect a truce is already in place to prevent future embarrassments.

    Coming within the next few weeks an editorial on "working together" and "preventing divisive arguments".

  5. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sharp has the big bucks lots of old oil money and plenty of new coming in all the time and in Joplin money talks and she demands you respect her for it..even if she is childless and clueless

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Far more troubling tham who gave this unelected employee the order, is who gave him the authority to instruct any board member to do anything. If most of us issued orders to our bosses, we would be fired; as he should be.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I have no problem with media providing positive stories about local institutions; even if this is sometimes construed as cheerleading. The problem arises when the truth is either ignored or obscured in an effort to insulate a leader from public scrutiny or criticism. When this happens, all "reporting," including that done on the good things, becomes highly suspect. Once credibility is compromised, that source ceases to be regarded as anything other than propaganda.

    We should not wish our news people to be attack dogs any more than we want them to be lap dogs. However, their main function is that of watchdog. Otherwise, they are just a dog and pony show.

  8. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I didn't really care for the last editor at the Globe (aka Glop) but I really do not have any respect for this one.
    Years ago, the paper was pretty much anti-R8. Now, it's the opposite. Just like 10:55 pointed out, neither end of the spectrum is good.
    I'm not placing bets on whether or not the paper or other news media actually does anything about all this. I AM however, dropping the paper. It's a HUGE waste of money.

  9. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Funny now they print one item Turner agrees with and he gives a mild endorsement. Trust me they don't want it, your endorsement is the kiss of death.

  10. Quit whining Turner7:40 PM

    Yes, it was a good day when they fired Turner. But that one good deed shouldn't obstruct that these fools are going through the money and creating unnecessary costs.

    Maybe if Turner would stop whining so it wouldn't be all about him, then we could judge the Board of Education on the merits.

  11. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Quit whining, you are the one who needs to quit whining. This community owes Mr. Turner a giant debt of gratitude. Without him, it is safe to say that we would not have a Debbie Fort on the school board, knowledge of just how poorly managed this school district has been, and probably we would not be going through a much needed state audit. Mr. Turner has uncovered so much that is wrong with our school district that we can already judge that our school board members have failed us miserably and most of them are continuing to fail us.

  12. Anonymous4:45 AM

    7:40 pm

    Unlike the Globe or R8, this blog is not a public or semi-public entity. Just because it provides more accurate reporting, and a better venue for public discourse, does not mean Mr. Turner has ever claimed it to be anything more than his blog.

    The fact that you invest so much tme reading and criticising this source shows that at least one person is obsessed. If you feel so strongly about the quality of this site, do not read it. Of course, we all know that deep down you appreciate Randy giving you the opportunity to rant on his blog, since you lack the resources to interest anyone in yours.

  13. Settle Down, Lil' Turner-Tard Groupie Scum11:31 AM

    Turner's sundry allegations are as yet unproven. What has been proven is that Turner had unsupervised access to minor children under his supervision and wanted more of such contrary to Board of Education policies. Turner had "due process" of procedure, a hearing, and was fired for cause. Turner then refused to make an appeal because the Board of Education and CJ Huff had followed the law exactly.

    Now we have the rantings of this fired disgruntled ex-employee about those who fired him being bad people. And maybe that is true. But what is incontestable is that Turner has a bias and prejudice and a history of lying and vindictiveness to where those of us who read his blog take Turner's complaints with a hundredweight of salt.

    Having little turner-tard groupies claiming that their hero and our less-than zero is some sort of paragon of virtue means that your opinions mean nothing either. Turner has to overcome his past history in order to make a credible case against his enemies who removed him from his former job, and it will be done by proof, not mere accusation.

    It would be better if someone other than Turner dug up the relevant facts, which I think are likely, that CJ Huff has been running through the School tax money and creating unnecessary administrative expense to the detriment of the school children and taxpayers. But for now we are stuck with Turner.

    That said, Turner will be Turner and Turner's critics will be Turner's critics. The fact that Turner's enemies removed him from mis-educating children and that they did their job in that case and performed a public benefit by removing a rogue teacher doesn't justify that they are running through the tax money and good will of the local parents and taxpayers.

    Nobody wants to be manipulated into ignorantly supporting evildoers on the basis of lies by other evildoers, be they Turner or CJ Huff.

  14. Anonymous12:43 PM


    Conjecture and epithets will nevet outweigh evidence, reason, and logic. Perhaps you will note how the target of your rantings grants you a venue. That alone would cast doubt on your assertions. This, however, is not neccesary as your argument contradicts and discredits itself as you winnow from one incoherent point to the next.

    This one is free,

    Dr. Bottomfeeder Turnertard.

  15. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Anson, have you ever understood, or heard of, the concept of punctuation?

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM


    Just out of curiosity, why don't you lead the cause you purport to champion. If you have a blog or some other media, let it be known. You say we are stuck with Turner. What alternative do you offer? Are you afraid that the only way anyone will pay any attention to you is if you attack the very person who provides you an audience. Mr. Turner has never shrunk from differing opinions. The current administration uses every available means to squash dissent.

    You claim to agree with Randy's assertions, and then deny his credibility. It would behoove you to pick one fight at a time. If you have evidence against anyone, let's hear it. Otherwise STFU.
