Thursday, October 16, 2014

Justice for Joplin: Teachers threatened if they talk about JHS safety problems

Kim Seavy, perhaps best known for hit shouting at Joplin City Council members after they fired City Manager Mark Rohr, has turned some of his attention to the Joplin R-8 School District.

In a post yesterday on his Justice for Joplin Facebook page, Seavy said that the C. J. Huff Administration has threatened Joplin High School teachers if they say anything about safety problems in the new school:

MILLIONS of dollars in cost over runs and the "NEW" Joplin High school is UNSAFE! From the shoddy work done on the bathroom doors, to the cheap and dangerous glass to the SINK HOLE/MINE SHAFT issue. Where do you want to begin? Teachers have been threatened with administrative action if they speak up. Students have been advised not to talk about what they SEE... WORKERS who have FINISHED their part are now stepping up to talk, candidly but "off the record" for fear of reprisals. This OVER PRICED MONUMENT TO CJ HUFF is a travisty. OUR children are at risk and NO ONE GIVES A SH**!?

And the costs keep mounting. Here's what we know for sure
THE SCHOOL BOARD IS INCOMPETENT and CJ HUFF is ... well you figure it out.


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    The EPA did nothing about asbestos all over the distrct. No federal or state agency will step in and do anything. Joplin inspectors will do nothing either. The government we pay will just not do what we pay them to do. Parents, teachers, taxpayers, and citizens do care. We simply have no backing. CJ knows it
    The board knows it. We know it. Nothing short of an armed insurrection will put an end to an out of control government. I am not advocating this. Just simply stating a fact. Sad but true.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    See a common thread in this and so many other posts? 'Afraid to go on record for fear of retaliation.' I am anonymous because my family will suffer if I use my name. So many of us live in fear of the consequences of openly challenging this evil that infests our community. We suffer, Our children suffer. Our entire community is suffering.

    We want to be positive members contributing to a bright future. People do not get in to education because they hate progress.

    Now, even more people are being exposed to the corruption, Still, Huff and his ilk ensure their survival by ensuring everyone elses demise.

    CJ tells people about the inspirational educational books he keeps on his nightstand. The truth is, he only has one book...: The Prince, by Machiavelli.

  3. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Don't be afraid to stand up to him! That is what he's counting on, everyone to hide! If you openly fight him and they retaliate, then it looks bad on him, he can't have that! Come out of your closets people for the love of God!! A handful of brave people can't do this alone!! It is time to take a stand for our children!! I'm not afraid of him, why should you be??
    Calie Daniell

  4. Why are employees scared to speak up? All we ever hear is teachers are underpaid so I can't see it as a money issue. If there is something wrong speak up. If you get fired you may have to eat ramen and hot dogs for a month, but there are 4 other school districts within 20 minutes so you'll find another teaching position. I don't doubt that there could be things that weren't done to the proper standards since the school was finished (i guess that's what we'll call it) so quickly, so how exactly can teachers NOT voice it. They're going to be there far longer than students will, so their own safety is much more at risk.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM


    Teachers are well aware of how much of this looks. They have been portrayed as whiners and cowardly. If it were as simple as eating nasty food for a month,
    and then going to nearby greener pastures, this whole thing would be a non issue.

    The students suffer from the loss of good teachers and good teaching. The teachers' families suffer; many including teachers' children in Joplin Schools.

    Imagine dedicating thirty or forty years of your life to a district, then being railroaded out. Imagine being forced from your job with a bogus attack on your character and credibility.

    Ramen doodles and hot dogs are not the answer. Truth and awareness are the only things that will convince concerned and caring citizens, such as yourself, that these problems belong to all of us...not just to a handful of disgruntled employees.

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    12:45 Where is the "like" button?
    You are exactly right.
    To Wayne:
    There are many former teachers that dedicated many years to the Joplin District only to be railroaded out with lies and falsified personnel records, therefore, making it difficult for them to get a job in another district. "Administrative Pets" are more than willing to lie and help smear someone's reputation, the district is willing to lie about someone's employment, and thoughts of getting a job reference from these people is nonexistent. Dr. Huff says he is in it for the kids- in fact he says everything is for the kids, but I seriously doubt that. I have tried to "fight" the system. I followed the correct procedures, had years of documented evidence, met with Dr. Besendorfer and Dr. Huff (more than once), had NEA representation, met with my principals, followed all directives, and attempted to meet with the BOE by filing a grievance against my building administrators. All my years of excellent evaluations, awards, and dedication meant nothing to Dr. Huff, nor the BOE. At the end of the day, I was left standing alone with not even NEA there to help. No employee would take a stand with me. Everyone silently rooted for me and hoped I was successful, but everyone was afraid of retaliation. The fear factor in Joplin Schools is unreal. You don't understand unless you've taught there. The only option most people have is to file a lawsuit and most don't want the hassle or don't know who to trust. Joplin teachers are between a rock and a hard spot. Students comment on Mr. Turner's blog, but even they don't know how horrible the working conditions are. Their teachers care too much about their students to tell them what they are going through- we all smile and keep going because we truly are in it for the kids. Nothing will change in Joplin until the BOE realizes that they work for the taxpayers of Joplin, who voted them in, and CJ Huff works for them. This won't change until current BOE members are voted out of office. There have only been two that have had the courage to stand up to Dr. Huff and his BOE- Debbie Fort and Jim Kimbrough. If we had more BOE members that had the integrity and intelligence of those two things would change in Joplin.

  7. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Highly acclaimed, well respected, and beloved: that is exactly the threat that CJ and his cult target. The new teachers, replacing CJ's vjctims, are neither bad teachers, nor bad people. They are, however, inexperienced, and are being denied the benefit of well seasoned peers. This is a recipe for failure. Failure on measurable government standards. Failure on the content and life skills necessary for success in the real world.
