Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kruithof named Miami city manager; I guess this means Joplin reception is off

Miami has selected former Branson city administrator Dean Kruithof as its new city manager.

Kruithof had been one of four candidates originally named as finalists for the Joplin city manager position that became vacant when the City Council fired Mark Rohr:

Kruithof brings more than 30 years of government management experience to Miami including a stint as city administrator for the City of Branson, MO. Kruithof said he comes prepared to tackle the challenges facing Miami in the areas of economic and community development and plans to place an emphasis on public participation in the process of designing future growth.

“We believe that Dean's experience, positive attitude, and willingness to work hard to move our community forward make him a great choice,” Miami Mayor Rudy Schultz said. “It will take him a few weeks to get relocated and settled in, but after that you can expect to see him out and about and very engaged in the community.”

The city of Joplin had one finalist drop out. Receptions were held for two others and the reception for Kruithof was scheduled for Saturday.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Galveston just chose Maxwell for city manager. Rasmussen was in the running for both Joplin and Galveston City Manager positions.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Haha who would want to manage a city this fu*ked up!! Best of luck to all that saved themselves while they still could!!

  3. Anonymous3:24 AM


    That is a very hurtful thing to say. The fact that your statement is absolutely accurate makes it even more frustrating for those who have deep roots in what has become a hell hole.

    Robert Plant said, "The pain of war cannot exceed the woes of aftermath."

    It seems equally true that the pain of a natural disaster cannot exceed the woes wrought by the vultures who devour a community for political and financial gain.

  4. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Its people like you that make this such a swell place to live

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    No, it's the drug dealers on every corner, the gangs that have taken over, the out of control JPD, the corrupt city council and lest we forget the beaming school district that make this such a swell place to live! I am just one individual basking in this marvelous city of thugs!
