Saturday, October 11, 2014

No major awards for Globe's coverage of Mark Rohr

The Joplin Globe picked up two awards for its coverage of the Mark Rohr situation from the Missouri Press Association last Saturday.

The newspaper received a second place award in community service for its coverage of the initial failed attempt to fire the Joplin city manager and an honorable mention for Debby Woodin and Carol Stark for investigative reporting, which, though the Globe did not mention it in its coverage Friday, would also appear to be about the Mark Rohr situation.

The MPA award in that category must have come as a shock to those who did not realize the Globe did any investigative reporting.

Thankfully, the MPA judges did not give the Globe first place honors in any category for its Rohr coverage. The Globe continuously left out real concerns and damaging information about Rohr during its coverage and has continued to do so to this day.

Those awards were the only ones out of the 12 the Globe received that had anything to do with hard news.


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You mean they didn't win with those oh, so folksy columns by Pound and Finley????.......oh, the humanity!!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I am incensed!!! Anson is deserved of a pulitzer! What other self-acclaimed journalist has demonstrated such an immense self-reported ability to peer deeply into men's souls and lay bare their truest unadulterated souls? Murrow? Brinkley? King? Walters? With a single sit down? Perish the thought. This glaring oversight calls into question any and all awards given out by the MPA.

    Oh, I am being told they have nothing to do with pulitzers and such. Well. I still think Anson should get something. Maybe a Peabody, a Toni, a Nobel or Noble, or whatever that thing is. Maybe, an Oscar for best SUPPORTING ACTOR in CJ Huff: From Here Til Eternity. Am I rambling?

    Maybe they could costar in a buddy cop movie.

    In a World where apathetic parents pay no heed to the education of their impoverished, unfed, unshod, illegitimate, and coatless offspring, comes a man of letters. Known simply as CJ, this quiet hero will save you from yourselves. Not bound by laws or ethics, he gets the job done! Children will learn computers and how to use a spoon. He will wipe the grime from their faces and fill their minds with learnin.'

    His only friend: mild mannered faux-reporter Anson Burlingame. His only special power? The ability to use his metaphorical golden lasso to get straight to the truth; no matter how inaccurate or absurd that truth might be.

    Coming soon to a district near you! Don't miss...

    THE SUPER!!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:44 AM

    If you listen very closely, you can hear the guttural moans of a dying institution. The fourth estate, having surrendered its credibility to special interests, is grasping at infotainment and gimmickery in a pathetic attempt to appear relevant.

    Real journalists have taken to the blogosphere, own their biases up front, and support their reporting with verifiable evidence.

    Meanwhile, the dinosaurs lumber along, relying on a long since past illusion that they are the ipso facto universally accepted public record. No wonder they are perplexed by the dwindling readership and less than reverant regard from the citizenry.

    I would pity them, but, it is hard to show compassion to those who have squandered their power for good, in a headlong effort to shape the populace, rather than serve it.

    They say the first casualty in any war is the truth. It did not have to be this way. The Globe declared war on those with whom its leadership disagreed. The ensuing "reporting" echoed this.

    The people want fair, accurate, unfiltered information. They will not purchase opinion disguised as fact. It is insulting.

    You dear monopolistic-slanted propoganda rag, you will not be missed.

  4. Anonymous5:54 AM

    We were at a football game yesterday at Dewey...something...,.. Junge. Several of us were discussing current city and school district events, when one person stated in a very matter of fact tone, "and, it was'nt even in 'The Paper.'" There was dead silence for about fifteen seconds as everyone scanned the perplexed faces of the others. Then, everyone present busted out in a chorus of laughter.

    That is what the Jopin Globe is in this town...
    a punch line.

  5. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Hard to respect a paper that relies on the services of doddering old men and teenagers for reporting and editorializing. What a hack of a paper.

  6. Ben Field2:20 PM

    Michael Beatty and Carol Stark have successfully managed to destroy the integrity of the newspaper of record for Joplin. Their reporting only what the hierarchy of institutions spoon feed them instead of actual journalism is despicable. Southernwatch at MSSU reported the truth, The Turner Report, and even the teenagers at Joplin Schools Watch managed to fill the vacuum left by the failure of the Globe to accurately report events occurring in our community. The Globe as listed by Wikipedia to be in the business of advertising sales, has prostituted its staff to the likes of Mark Rohr, Mike Woolston, the Joplin "Progress" Committee, C.J. Huff and the Joplin School Board as opposed to being a steward of the community and reporting the facts instead of sickening sucking up to the powers that be. The truth like cream generally rises to the top, and one day Stark and Beatty will be outed as the worthless examples of journalism that they are yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I am indebted to Randy for giving us the truth regarding Rohr, Woolston, CJ Huff, Wallace-Bajali, Joplin Progress
    Committee, and the rest of the lying sacks of crap that the Globe has aligned itself with. The only award the Globe is deserving of is the raspberry award. PFFFFFTTT!

  7. Anonymous5:26 PM

    this papers days are numbered it is just full of advertising to try to make up for the lack of takes a lot of gall for them to ask 1 dollar for that rag during the week..and ansum is a real knothead
