Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Probable cause: Marshfield teacher used second girl in effort to tamper with witness

Probable cause affidavits filed for the new witness and evidence tampering felony charges against Marshfield eighth grade teacher Johnna Feazell indicate Feazell used another girl in an effort to cover up her alleged sexual affair with a 16-year-old student:

The charges of tampering with evidence are because police say they learned Feazell tried to hide clothing belonging to the 16-year-old girl that had been at Feazell's home, and tried to destroy a cellular telephone on which she sent messages to the victim.

Police say Feazell met another girl at a store in Marshfield on the night of Oct. 14 to give her the clothing and the cell phone and told the second girl to "destroy the cell phone and 'all evidence.'" During that meeting, police say, Feazell also used the cell phone of the second girl to send a text message to the victim, and then deleted that message off the second girl's phone.

Police say the go-between girl relayed several messages between Feazell and the 16-year-old victim between Oct. 13 and Oct. 16, when both knew Feazell was being investigated. One message on the evening of Oct. 13 from the victim to Feazell was that Feazell should wash all the bedding in her home "and make sure everything was 'spotless.'" The next day, police said, the victim told a detective that she'd had a sexual encounter with Feazell in Feazell's home on Oct. 10.

After Feazell was arrested on Oct. 16, a detective said in the second probable cause statement against Feazell, she tried 13 times to call collect the 16-year-old victim from the Webster County jail. The victim told the detective that she didn't accept the calls because she knew Feazell was in jail.

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