Friday, October 17, 2014

Remembering Teri Byrd

It was one of those childhood incidents that can leave scars if not handled properly and it occurred years ago in the classroom of North Middle School teacher Teri Byrd.

A student was asked to read a passage from the science textbook aloud to her class. "We were reading about organisms," Lucy Anderson recalled.

But organisms is not the word that left Lucy's lips.

"I said orgasms."

The room was immediately filled with laughter. "Everyone laughed at me."

Not quite everyone.

Teri Byrd did not even smile and it did not take long for the laughter to subside and class continued without any problems.

"She made me feel a lot better," Lucy said, "but I didn't understand why they were laughing." She figured it out a week later in health class.

Teri Byrd, who lost a valiant battle with cancer Wednesday helped thousands of students get through difficult situations during her years in the classroom, which included two decades at North.

Teri, like the best classroom teachers, could talk to the entire class, but still leave all of the students feeling as if they were having a one-to-one conversation with her.

"She made every student feel special," former student Ashley Smith said. "If you didn't understand something, she would work with you until you got it."

Teri's contributions were not limited to the classroom. After the May 22, 2011, Joplin Tornado, she volunteered countless hours for Forest Park Baptist Church's Mission Joplin.

"She worked hard and she always had a smile," a fellow volunteer said. "She never put herself first."

That same attitude continued even as her body weakened from the effects of chemo. She wrote the following in a Facebook post from last month:

Being on this cancer journey, I meet the cancer patients and we share our troubles, our giggles, and our faith in God. One of my dear friends just found out that her treatment plan is not working and she is very discouraged by the news. Please help me in prayers as she learns what her new journey will be.

The atmosphere has been somber since students and staff at North Middle School learned of her passing.

Teri Byrd's science room is still filled with students- but it will be a long time before it doesn't seem empty.

Teri Byrd's Obituary


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I never met the woman... but you can tell a lot about a teacher by the students' comments about her. She sounds like a teacher I strive to be. Thank you for being an amazing lady and role model for your students and family.

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Teri Byrd was an inspiration to my daughter. She encouraged and sponsored her through the MSSU science fair more than once. She will be missed by many. God Bless you Teri.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Randy, you do such a good job eulogizing folks and making those of us who didn't know them feel like we did. I never met Ms. Byrd, but can tell that our community lost someone special. Thanks for the article.

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Teri Byrd wasn't my teacher but I knew her. I stayed after school one day to finish my project and her and another teacher decided to sing happy birthday to me. It was amazing. R.I.P. <3

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I did have Mrs. Byrd as a teacher, just this past year. The day we were all called into the auditorium and informed of her cancer, broke many of our hearts. But in a matter of time, we stopped being upset about the cancer, and designed shirts and started fundraisers for the research of cancer, because we knew she would have wanted that. I had her 1st hour, so when MAP testing rolled around, not having her there was really hard. The first day was the science portion, and as soon as I finished, and it was allowed, I messaged her, thanking her for all of the things she had taught me, which later led me to not only getting advanced on the science portion of the test, but making it into biology as a freshman. At some point during the conversation I mentioned how cold it had been in her room, and she insisted on me wearing her sweater she had left in the classroom for the next 2 days of testing, for good luck. Through her journey, Mrs. Byrd had faith till the end, and not once made it about herself. I think that her service Saturday afternoon perfectly explained who she was as a person, rather than noticing the sadness of her passing, we celebrated her life. Mrs. Byrd also loved North Middle School's marching band, and without a doubt was their #1 fan, so when leaving the funeral service and going directly back to the Maple Leaf Festival, I, as well as the other 7 kids who rode the shuttle there and back, marched the show for Mrs. Byrd, the teacher who changed all of us forever. You sure did make your mark on our world Momma Byrd, can't wait to see the lives you change up in heaven.
