Thursday, October 23, 2014

So you want to be a Soaring Heights first grade teacher?

The Joplin R-8 School District posted the following advertisement today for an opening for a first grade teacher at Soaring Heights Elementary School.

Thankfully, Administration has made it a point to note that those who apply must be able to "read handwritten and printed material."

First Grade Teacher
Job Description
Salary RangePer Year
Shift TypeFull-Time


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Why is this open?

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Someone else has had enough. That principal used to be a TLC. She isn't what you'd consider supportive.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    If you are a first grade teacher at Soaring Heights, you might ask yourself if you threw up the roman salute fast enough when mein furher Huff walked by,

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    TLC. Traitors Love Cj ?

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Read handwritten and printed material? That is a physical demand? It surprises me that the district person who is tasked with the burden to produce the job openings deems it worthy to include "read handwritten and printed material" has it been such an issue in the past? Have previous hires not been able to read written and or printed material so the district has deemed it so necessary that it now must be included in the job description? I believe the district has another set of requirements such as, "must follow orders blindly" and "must "legally" be creative with official reports and distict documents."
