Thursday, October 09, 2014

What Bright Futures Joplin does

This video, posted earlier today, was put together to coincide with the fourth anniversary of Joplin Bright Futures, which was celebrated April 8.


  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    After seeing this video, I love CJ more than ever. Every child. Every day. No matter what it takes.

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Id like to see stats on how many lower than income kids are tested for gifted verses higher income.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I can see the video has done what it was intended to do.. CJ is a joke he cares about himself above Joplin or the kids. If he didn't there wouldn't have been such a circus surrounding the new high school and defiantly wouldn't have rushed a 160 million dollar school and got sub par workmanship along with just general planning and architecture of the school was only done for his personnel gain.. There a reason why it takes 6 years to plan and build a school of this magnitude, So they will last the test of time and be a safe haven for the children which this building and grounds are not!!!

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I can see the video has done what it was intended to do.. CJ is a joke he cares about himself above Joplin or the kids. If he didn't there wouldn't have been such a circus surrounding the new high school and defiantly wouldn't have rushed a 160 million dollar school and got sub par workmanship along with just general planning and architecture of the school was only done for his personnel gain.. There a reason why it takes 6 years to plan and build a school of this magnitude, So they will last the test of time and be a safe haven for the children which this building and grounds are not!!!
