Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Joplin R-8 Board will discuss $96,000 gym seat replacement

The C. J. Huff Administration's effort to quietly push through a $96,000 expenditure to replace the gym seats in the new Joplin High School gymnasium has failed miserably, thanks to the public.

The uproar over the spending of that kind of money at a time when the district has just had to borrow $45 million to get through the school year did not sit well with patrons after it was revealed, first in the Turner Report and then three days later in the Joplin Globe.

The item was originally buried on the consent agenda, but was removed from the agenda at the beginning of tonight's Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting, which started about 20 minutes ago.

That means that the item will be discussed in regular session by the board instead of just being passed along with a dozen or so other items as part of the consent agenda.

The board meeting is being covered live on the Turner Report at this link.


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Does dumbass realize that increasing taxes (even if down the road) does not help children out of poverty, or their parents, or the community?

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Pajama Day OMG!!!

    Next sentence rigor blah blah blah...CLUELESS!

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    It doesn't matter the seats are already purchased and delivered. They are sitting in boxes at the gym, what's the point of even asking the Board?

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    the seats are already purchased and delivered

    The replacement seats?

    The peanut gallery at the Globe won't be happy...

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Haha.... That's awesome. With something g so expensive you would have thought three levels if verification would have been used first. But oh well right? They have money right? If not they just tax people more.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Yes it is true the replacement seats were bought and delivered before the meeting last night. It was all smoke and mirrors last night.

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    That move should be a really good reason to show Huff the door! Does he know that the money he is spending is not his and the people who work hard to pay their taxes deserve a little respect as to how you throw our money around. Huff is a jerk and he needs a wake up slap, some of the board does too, they are completely out of touch. So happy my children are in private school but I still pay taxes so I can gripe.
