Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We're stuck with C. J. Huff; State Board picks Vandeven

(From the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)

Following interviews with five finalists, the State Board of Education voted unanimously to select Dr. Margaret Vandeven as the next Commissioner of Education, effective January 1, 2015.

“We believe in the positive impact of the Top 10 by 20 plan on Missouri’s children,” said State Board President Peter Herschend. “We strongly believe that Dr. Margie Vandeven is the right person to accomplish the goals of the plan.”

Board members cited Dr. Vandeven’s strong background in education and extensive knowledge of education policy at the state and federal level as preparing her for the position. Her proven leadership in multiple capacities in the Department shows she is ready for the challenge. They also cited her drive and determination to make the Top 10 by 20 plan a reality.

“I am honored to serve as Missouri’s Commissioner of Education, and I am committed to and focused on doing what’s right for the children of Missouri,” said Dr. Vandeven. “I stand ready to support our school districts and charter schools, working together to move Missouri into the top 10 in student performance.”

Dr. Vandeven brings 24 years of education experience to the role, including the last nine years at the Department. She served most recently as the Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Learning Services coordinating the work of the seven assistant commissioners. Dr. Vandeven’s previous experience consists of 13 years as an English language arts teacher and administrator in private schools in Missouri and Maryland. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Education at Missouri State University, Master of Education at Loyola College in Maryland and Doctor of Philosophy at St. Louis University.

A primary focus for Dr. Vandeven will be Missouri’s Top 10 by 20 initiative, a major improvement effort that aims for student achievement in Missouri to rank among the top 10 states by 2020. The plan’s four goals include graduating all Missouri children ready for college and career; preparing all children for success in kindergarten; and preparing, developing and supporting effective educators.

Dr. Vandeven takes over the Commissioner’s office from Dr. Chris L. Nicastro, who retires effective Dec. 31, 2014. She will serve the state as the sixth commissioner of education.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I think we are not stuck with Dr. Huff. It's pretty telling that Annie and McGrew have not filed for the BOE election. Kimbrough already stated he was leaving. Looks like three new board members in the spring.

    I would like to believe C.J. would see the writing on the wall and leave to go find some other district to run into the ground, but that would be giving him way to credit. With the accumulative weight of audit, new board, bleachergate, KZRG criticism (finally), might as wells, dismal test scores, teacher flight, rockbottom teacher morale, ipad/laptop fiasco, 21st century learning tripe, jeans day, and the Incompetence/Bullying of Bud Sexson, Terri Hart, Tina Smith, Mark Barless, Sarah Stevens, Mike Johnson(others could be listed, but I don't see them as incompetent just powerless followers in the C.J. vortex of lies and incompetence) - this total weight will ultimately crush the C.J. regime.

    Please add anything I missed!

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Is she related to Dr. Carolyn Vandeven?

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    may be it was a beauty contest

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Please add anything I missed!

    It's a blog not an encyclopedia!

    THE RECORD SETTING RIBBON FIASCO, parking lot sinkholes, non regulation tennis courts, expensive chandeliers, code issues at the new construction, failing inspection and the obfuscation which followed,

  5. In that case, Norm Ridder is probably going to demand a recount.

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This is ridiculous. I checked, and this so called educator has not saved one town from a tornado, delivered one district out of economic despair, started one school year on time after declaring it impossible, or strung up even one mile of self-congratulating ribbon. Our beloved Huff must have had his application lost by a jealous board. There must be some mistake.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    What I want to know is why we will now have an education commissioner who has, according to the press release, never taught a day in a Missouri public school classroom.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      13 years as a language arts teacher!!

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      "13 years as an English language arts teacher and administrator in private schools in Missouri and Maryland"

      So, not a day in a public school classroom.

  8. Anonymous5:44 PM

    And, of course, a Common Core supporter. Money, money, money!

  9. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Oh and let's not forget the HVAC and $4 mil in electrical issues! The list goes on and on and on and .............
