Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Huff: JHS Performing Arts Center on target for March 1 opening

It looks like Joplin High School fine arts students will be able to abandon the Memorial Middle School building in time for R-8 Administration to move in.

Superintendent C. J. Huff told the R-8 Board of Education last night that the performing arts center for the new high school is "on target" to open March 1.

"We're excited about cutting a ribbon for the new performing arts center," Huff said.

The first production in the new facility, the JHS Spring Play, is scheduled to open April 15.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Oh boy. Another ribbon cutting. More tears. Can we recycle that last ribbon and save a few bucks? Since the kids never got their promised piece of ribbon there should be plenty of it.

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I hear the Surgeon General is coming for the ceremony!

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Maybe he will remove the Cancerous Tumor that JHS has? CJHuffalcocus

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Who has the naming rights

  5. It's a good thing my seniors are beyond ready for this year to end. (and high school in general). They won't even miss having a Performing Arts Department, since they've never really had one in the first place.
