Thursday, January 22, 2015

Joplin R-8 Board member's wife: Randy Turner is a liar and a douchebag

The first shots of the Joplin R-8 Board of Education campaign were fired Wednesday by the wife of a board member who decided not to run.

In a comment on KZRG's Facebook page, Andrea McGrew, wife of Shawn McGrew, who has been on the board since being selected to take the place of Dawn Sticklen, who resigned after transferring her daughter to the Webb City R-7 School District, praised her husband's decision not to seek a full term or the one-year term.

I'm proud of Shawn's decision not to run. The rumor mill is terrible in this town and stressful for candidates and their families. I'm so glad my husband is putting his family first!!!! I can only imagine the lies and accusations Randy Turner will come up with for some of the candidates! BTW he is a douche bag!

Reached for comment, Turner said, "No, I'm not."


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Lmao!!! Who did the interview Randy? Were they biased? Why aren't there any other comments??
    Ps. I don't think you are either!! :)

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I'm embarrassed for Mrs. McGrew. What an ignorant thing to say! Glad her husband is not running, if that's the sort of things they say in public, just imagine their tacky talk in private!

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The way she wrote that, it sounds to me like she is calling her husband a douchebag.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      What's funny is I used to work with him, Shawn that is, and he had to blow into a breathalyzer to start his car! I'm sure he was young, but character is character. So I think he's the douche bag! So glad I don't live there anymore and he's not making decisions for my children!

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    She is just being what one might call a runt.

  5. Anonymous2:11 AM

    What reputation he had left he certainly doesn't have it now.of all their news people in this area, I totally trust anything he says as well as Mr. John Hacker. It is good to know someone looks out for us!

  6. Anonymous2:12 AM

    What reputation he had left he certainly doesn't have it now.of all their news people in this area, I totally trust anything he says as well as Mr. John Hacker. It is good to know someone looks out for us!

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Wow! just WOW! How tasteless. She sounds like she is 15 not a grown woman! I hope she is embarrassed, if not she should be.

  8. Anonymous7:12 PM

    What horrible things to say about someone you don't even know. Shawn is one of the hardest working people that I know and truly cares about making a difference in his community. Before you pass judgment on someone maybe you evaluate your own life.

  9. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I don't know anything about McGrew or his wife, but I do know that the school board is a clown show.
    For example, the current school board president - who is currently a candidate for re-election - thinks it's okay to send a group email to district employees using the district's email system. In the email, she asks for their home addresses but doesn't offer an explanation or any further information. It's puzzling.
    You have to wonder if she got a wink of approval from administration - or if she's just so dumb and insulated from reality that she can't realize it's unethical for a sitting school board president to be using district email as a campaign medium to reach to teachers and district employees.
