Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Schweich to run for governor, vows to clean up corruption

(From Tom Schweich)

This afternoon I had the honor to join my friends, family, and supporters to announce that I am a candidate for Governor of Missouri. My administration will be about leadership. My administration will be about realizing our full potential as a state, and healing our wounds.

Most of all, my administration will be about cleaning up the rampant corruption in Jefferson City.

Since I became your State Auditor I have worked tirelessly to expose public officials, government departments and agencies stealing, wasting, and misusing your taxpayer money. My office has helped uncover over 30 corrupt government officials embezzling millions of your taxpayer dollars, and has identified tens of millions of dollars in waste and abuse in state and local government. However, it’s time to take the next step.

As a state, we are facing some very serious challenges. We need stronger leadership and more honest government. We need fairer economic policies, and we need to improve our struggling schools. Twice now you have put your trust in me to lead the state as Missouri’s official taxpayer watchdog. Now I am asking that you stand beside me as we fight to make Missouri government more accountable and transparent by putting a true anti-corruption expert in the governor’s mansion.

As we embark on this journey together I encourage you to explore my new website and learn more about me, my positions, and connect with us on social media to discover how our grassroots movement is fighting to make Missouri’s government more accountable to all six million of it’s citizens.

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