Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Anne Sharp campaign ad: The loudest voices are negative

In her first campaign advertisement, Joplin R-8 Board of Education President Anne Sharp goes after those negative voices who say that things are not all fine and dandy in the school district.
Sharp is the longest serving member of the board, having been first elected in 2000 and winning re-election four times.
AnneSharp 2015 from Storm Stanley on Vimeo.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Yes, whatever you do, do not be negative. Follow Anne's lead and smile and say yes no matter what stupidity is presented. Just smile and hit that rubber stamp that says yes. We'll figure something out about the finances l. Just lay back and think of England...a lady is always positive...

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Stiff upper lip. Tally ho!

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I notice her high-priced PR team doesn't let her talk in this video. Smart move. Oh wait. That was negative.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Remember when naysayers spoke out against corruption in the church, monarchies, facism, communism, racism, sexism, oppression, violence, monopolies, religious persecution, agism, discrimination, and a host of other human-driven evils? Those people are so negative. By the way, anyone who disagrees with me is negative and all of his or her arguments are rendered null, void, and invalid as a result. Wow, this could really work for me!

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Queen Anne,

    If you dislike negativity, then wait until you, CJ, and your band of dimwitted sycophants are gone. You will see a revival of positivity and a resurgence of the Joplin spirit such has rarely been seen. Then we will commence the serious business of unscrewing the clustercoitus into which your people have twisted our beloved district.

    I'm positive about that!

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I'm insulted by her assumption that because my opinion is different from her opinion that I am negative and she is positive. I'm for the kids too! What is positive about a disastrous financial state, sinking test scores and experienced teachers quitting the district? She may say everything is wonderful, but that does not make it true.

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    So she was elected and then reelected 4 times. A term is 3 years so she has been on the board for 15 years and wants another 3 years? Why in the world would anyone want to be on a school board for 18 years other than a power trip? Has anyone ever heard of term limits?

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Usually, when someone is up for re-election, their ads mention achievements the candidate is particularly proud of or positions on current issues. Anne??? Anything????? All I hear are crickets chirping...

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Anne was asked about what she thought was her greatest achievement a few weeks ago in an interview. She couldn't seem to think of anything. After she stammered around awhile, she finally blurted out something about graduation rates. Yeah. Right. Graduation rates mean nothing here. Anyone can graduate from R8. You only need to be breathing. Hardly a bragging right.

    Don't reelect this egomaniac who loves, loves, loves her boy toy CJ Huff. Send them all down the road.

  9. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Since we can't be negative, I guess I will say that I am POSITIVELY certain that R8 will be destroyed if we let Anne Sharp, Good, or Campbell on that board. I am POSITIVE the only hope for us is to elect Koch, Martucci, and Roberts, and send CJ Huff down the road. Or to prison. I'm not that particular.

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This is the most tone-deaf political ad I have ever seen. Are they not aware that the Joplin Schools administration has a 67% disapproval rating?

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hmm. Maybe if you hadn't allowed things to get so bad in R8 there wouldn't be so much loud negativity. How about owning what you have done instead of trying to shame people into silence? They do have a constitutional right to speak their minds and to dissent. Quit trying to destroy the democratic process so you can protect your partner in crime.

  12. Anonymous6:44 PM

    This video changes everything for me. I was going to vote for Koch, Martucci, and Roberts, but not now! Anne, you have changed my mind! You are so positive. Where have you been for all of my miserably negative life. LOL

    You want someone other than this current administration's cheerleader, then vote Koch, Martucci, and Roberts.

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    At the risk of sounding negative, I spent some time perusing Suzanne Sharp's campaign page. If I may so inquire, what is a Master's of School Board Education? How can one receive such a thing from the Missouri School Board Association? Is it an accredited university on the side? This sounds a little fluffed up, to put it nicely.

    Why do I care if Ms, Sharp has a private pilot license? How does that impact her ability to lead or serve on the board? That is ridiculous for her campaign page. Why doesn't she have all of her family businesses on her campaign page? She is still listed as the Vice President of the Acme Land Company, which claims to be a land development company. There is a lot of land to be developed in Joplin, particularly in that TIF/disaster area. I find that omission interesting.

    With this long list of "credentials," it becomes even more curious that she could not immediately think of her greatest accomplishment, or any accomplishment, during her KZRG interview. All she could eventually spout out is that the graduation rate is up. Not the new schools, including the new middle schools, or that we were accredited with distinction for several years (until she hired Dr. Huff), but the graduation rate, which many question as being raised ethically. The obvious conclusion then is that attending, or imposing oneself upon, a huge number of activities and taking a "ton of pictures" does not necessarily improve the function of the district, as district performance has done nothing but plunge since Dr. Huff was brought on board. This is a sad situation and Suzanne Sharp has played a major role in the destruction of the district. It is indeed time for Suzanne to step aside, as her family pleaded with her to do. It is time for Suzanne to find a new hobby.

  14. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I, too, was insulted by this ad. This school district has serious issues that must be addressed. That does not make me negative, but a realist. It is imperative that we vote Annie off the school board. She is not capable of making those decisions. I still remember her opposing wearing jeans on Friday and her lecture about professional dress while she's wearing jeans. I've also noticed that in public she appears to be increasingly angry that citizens have the nerve to have a different opinion form her own. Annie, you are not on the BOE by divine right and if you have lost your ability to look at all sides of an issue, it's time for you to move on. I wonder if there are any debates scheduled for this election.

  15. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Suzanne's campaign website states that they will continue to work on increasing the general funds and the reserves. She fails to say how that will happen. Not one clue. Just that it will magically occur. Her entire ad is nothing but a repeat of Huff's talking points. It's horrific in that she doesn't even try to pretend that it is anything else but what he has said. Even in the "transparency" section she simply restates what Huff has said, and that a "citizens' committee" will be looked at to fix the problem. Yeah. Right. We all know who gets picked for Huff's "committees." The good little comrades from the sheep herd...baa, baa, baa.
    Vote her out. A vote for Sharp is a vote for Huff, Smith, Cravens, Doshier, and Stevens. It's time for a whole new leadership team in R8. No committee needed.

  16. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Dear Ms. Sharp,
    Thank you for doing your part to make the Joplin School District what it is today. You’ve helped Dr. Huff do more damage to the district than the tornado did. The tornado destroyed buildings but Dr. Huff and Dr. Besendorfer destroyed the history of achievement and success. Dr. Simpson led the district from declining test scores to Accreditation with Distinction. No, not everyone was happy with his decisions but he did get positive results: increased student achievement, increased teacher salaries and increased reserves. Teachers wanted to work in Joplin and parents wanted to send their children to attend Joplin schools as long as the district maintained the high academic standards and test scores that Dr. Simpson’s leadership helped achieve. Now even Joplin grads are posting on facebook that they want to move out of the district because they don’t want their kids to attend Joplin schools. Staff members are sending their kids to area private schools and many staff live outside the district. It's no wonder the Cedar Ridge neighborhood is continuing to grow; residents live in Joplin and their kids get to go to Carl Junction schools. I’m positive that you’ve had a vital part in the actions that have taken the Joplin School District from desirable to undesirable.
    An Enlightened Joplin Taxpayer
