Friday, March 20, 2015

Charlie Davis: I have some grave concerns about John Hancock

The fallout from the release of Joplin businessman David Humphreys' sworn affidavit that Missouri GOP Chairman John Hancock told him that the late State Auditor Thomas Schweich was Jewish.

A few moments ago on KZRG's Morning News Watch program, Rep. Charlie Davis, R-Webb City, said he expects the calls to increase for Hancock's resignation.

"David Humphreys would never lie," Davis said, "This is a man of the utmost character."

Davis said he expects calls for Hancock to resign will "probably come pretty quickly."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Explain something if all the man said was the Auditor was Jewish, was the Auditor so embarrassed to be Jewish he killed himself. How is that Hancocks fault.
