Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Joplin teachers approve collective bargaining by a wide margin

Joplin R-8 teachers, tired of having no voice in the school system, voted overwhelmingly today for collective bargaining and they want it done by one group.

Today's election was the first of two. In the next step, the teachers will decide if they want to be represented by Joplin NEA or by the Joplin Teachers Association, which is affiliated with the Missouri State Teachers Association.

Out of 216 who voted, 162 voted to be represented by one organization and 46 wanted both organizations, while eight opted not to be represented and supposedly continue to "meet and confer" as Board President Anne Sharp said during the candidate forum at Missouri Southern State University Monday night.

The teachers needed only 109 votes, more than 50 percent, and topped that by a wide margin.


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Good for them! Now their collective voices will finally be heard!

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I can figure out two of the eight that voted no. I'm happy for the ones that voted yes.

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    What does this really mean? They have a voice but it's not binding. So the board can still do whatever they want.

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Lower test scores, teacher turnover, restrictions on referrals, assigning new schools thru new boundaries, increased debt, supporting a TIF, installing royal blue seats, and now a vote for collective bargaining due to poor communication. What a legacy of leadership.

  5. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Choose an outside organization that has no personal ties to Joplin.

  6. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Any veteran teachers left in the school district with the guts to step up and coordinate a superintendent "confidence" vote?

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Congratulations to the teachers. Now it's time for the voters to do our part by replacing board members and take our school district back.

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    And the wheels continue to fall off of the Huff/Sharp/Landis/Woolston bus. The Recovery Establishment continues to fracture and fissure. Next stop? The April 7th school board election.

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This election was brought about by Joplin teachers who care about their district. It was not intended to target any administrator or board member - or to carry any other agenda other than to improve communication and provide a process to make things better for students and teachers. Don't try to read too much into this.
    It's great that Joplin teachers took this action in a professional and respectful manner. Kudos to JNEA for making it happen - and to the teachers who cared enough to vote.

  10. Kenen Martinez11:55 AM


    You do some fantastic work, and have been a much needed outlet of truth in this area. That being said, maybe it's time to take a break from Joplin R-8 stories? Your reporting in this area, while factual has been as of late somewhat (and understandably so) shown some obvious bias.

    Your blog and I'll continue to read it but just a thought...

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Every union that has ever formed has formed because the members were unhappy with pay or poor working conditions, which is an indictment of poor leadership within the organization.

    If employees are given a voice and feel valued, votes like this don't need to take place. Good for the teachers.

  12. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This is a feel good vote at best, Since teachers can't strike in Missouri what leverage are they gaining?

  13. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Ever heard of a sick out or blur flu?

  14. Anonymous7:27 PM

    If nothing else, this sends a loud and clear message to Huff and company that the teachers don't intend to just bend over and take it anymore.
