Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thomas: Turning a new chapter for Mercy Hospital

Danny Thomas, chairman of the Mercy Hospital Board of Directors, was a featured speaker at the opening ceremonies for the new Mercy Hospital March 14.

In his speech, Thomas talks about how Mercy continued to serve the community between the day of the tornado and the opening of the new facility.

Thomas also noted the opening of the new Irving Elementary School on former St. John's property, as well as the expansion of Cunningham Park.


  1. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I think you will find the new St. Louis based Mercy Hospital is not going to resemble Joplins St. John's.I will be saying a special prayer for their employees. Trust me folks......it's a new world.

  2. Danny has sure came a long way since his days of hustling junk furniture.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    You are right, Anonymous 4:00. It will never be as what St. Johns once was. Trust me...Mercy corporate hospitals are run much different. I also have a friend who says Mercy corporate is big on some catholic nun who Mercy is founded upon.
