Thursday, April 16, 2015

Huff: Sachetta can handle Dropbox Scandal; I'm headed to North Carolina

Things are back to normal.

Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff is once again spreading the news about he declared there will be school  and inspired the tornado-stricken Joplin community and the nation.

This morning, Huff, who can be hired under the Washington Speakers Bureau's "heroes' category for $8,000 plus travel fees, shared his inspiring story with the Guilford County, North Carolina Preparedness Committee in Greensboro and staff of the Guilford County School District.

Huff was able to find his way from Missouri to North Carolina, though two days ago he was unable to find his way across the Joplin High School campus prior to the dedication of the new Performing Arts Center to attend the swearing-in ceremony for newly elected R-8 Board members Jeff Koch and Jennifer Martucci.

As has been Huff's practice for more than two years, the speech was given on a work day- and this time on a work day when Joplin High School is embroiled in a scandal over photos of nude students placed on a Dropbox server.

According to reports of this morning's speech, these were among the things Huff said:

What's more important than training is hiring the right people

We are not doing a good job of taking care of our kids as a nation. We are #20 out of 21 of industrialized nations at this.

When donations start pouring don't just think about the first weeks post disaster but the long term

And, of course, he told his story of how he declared school would start on time. The rest is history.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Wow. Just wow.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    It's probably best that CJ is off telling his fairy tale and letting Dr. Sachetta (who should have been superintendent anyway) handle this scandal.

    It's a win/win for Huff. He will get paid thousands of dollars and if this thing blows up while he is away (again) he can blame Dr. Sachetta.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    When does the BoE vote to terminate him?

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hopefully on Tuesday

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I'm curious if CJ will be conveniently unavailable for school board meetings now that the new BoE isn't stacked with his hand-picked butt kissers.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    All for the kids!

    Pass Go.

    Collect $8,000?

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Sachetta for Superintendent!!!

  8. Anonymous1:35 PM


  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    He has my vote.

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Huff the magic dragon. Lives by his lies out on the streets......... bla. bla. bla.

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Pack up Huff while he is gone. Don't allow him to move to the new 8th street palace.

  12. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I wonder if they, or a district nearby, need a superintendent. Or, like the rest of us, he's worried about what he will do if he loses his job so he's working all the extra jobs he can. Had his surgery while he still had insurance. Welcome to the world of R8, Dr. Huff! Say the wrong thing and you're out the door. Karma. Got to love it.

  13. Anonymous6:40 PM

    He didn't attend the swearing in ceremony?!?! CJ HUFF HAS NO CLASS!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sachetta you think he would be the type to cut the fat at the administration building......he worked along side most of them

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Absolutely would. When you have a lack of a leader in charge you do what you are told regardless if you agree or not. The alternative is what many others have faced.

  15. Anonymous7:30 PM

    He didn't work "along side" them any more than any other employee in the district. He works for them. It's ridiculous to start hypothesizing at this point. Let the Board at least get started before you start promoting or dragging down every possible candidate in the Four-State area. Everyone needs to chill out and stop stirring things up.

  16. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Does anyone know if Huff uses vacation time when he travels for this part time work? Or, is he on R-8 time?

  17. If C. J. Huff is using vacation time for his speeches, he used four weeks of vacation time in 2014.

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I saw him at the high school just before the swearing in ceremony and he was walking the other direction. Coward! But when it was time to dedicate one of his majestic buildings/departments he was right there snugly places next to Governor Nixon.

  19. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Of course he's a coward. We didn't see the big speech the next week like he promised either did we? He finally stepped off in a hole so deep he can't find a way out.
    We need an outside superintendent, someone without bias. No promotions from within the district, there are too many close relationships that will make it difficult for a new super to function properly.

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sachetta can handle the problems and should be in charge of this district. Hopefully Huff will get a job while he is there. Why is he still living off of our community? He needs to move on and deal with the money woes and poor academics of this district!

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Sachetta, really? My child went to Sachetta about bullying they have endured at JHS. His response was kids will be kids, learn to deal with it. With this new pornography scandal, let me guess, boys will be boys?!?! Our kids deserve much better.

  22. Chuck Norris5:41 PM

    Tell your kid to man up

  23. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I went to the Auditorium grand opening and was surprised that the event was hosted or emceed by a student. She did a nice job but I had thought that maybe the Principal or Superintendent would have been our host, you know, someone of greater or equal status. A friend later told me that the same student emceed the opening teacher meeting and the JHS ribbon cutting with VP Biden and other dignitaries. Maybe I'm old fashioned and like protocol, but it just seems gimmicky and low class to me. I guess that's Dr. Huff's style.

  24. Anonymous2:06 PM


    Really? A student emcee is what upsets you? I think it's wonderful to include the students because it gives them a real world experience and reminds people of why we do what we do--not for photo ops for Huff. All of the adults had their turn to speak.

    What a nit picker. For shame.

  25. Anonymous6:01 AM

    2:06 PM: Agreed. Especially since the student had already established a track record of competence in this role.

    It's even possible this student is the very best in the entire district, faculty, staff and students, at doing this. There's no reason to assume any of the faculty and staff are better.
