Friday, May 29, 2015

Joplin R-8 months behind on payments to storm shelter contractors

The construction firm in charge of the storm shelter projects for the Joplin R-8 School District claims it has not been paid in five months and that has resulted in non-payment to the companies that have worked on the projects.

In an e-mail sent Thursday to contractors, Greg Fogle, president, Midwest Operations, for Nabholz Construction Services, says, " Nabholz has continued in good faith  to serve the Joplin Public Schools without payment for more than five months. We have worked diligently to resolve the issue through multiple communications to the school district, the last of which went unanswered on May 18 when Nabholz requested  a date to deliver pay applications and related documentation with affirmation of the district's intent to pay for services already rendered."

The situation became more urgent for the construction company with this week's resignations (retirement) of Superintendent C. J. Huff and long-time board members Mike Landis and Randy Steele.

Fogle wrote, "I am sure that you are aware, in the last few days, Joplin Public Schools has undergone significant leadership changes among the administration and the School Board."

This is not the first situation in which the school district has been accused of not paying contractors for work done on the building projects that followed the tornado.

The P1 Group, an electrical contracting firm from Lenexa, Kan, is suing the district for $6.5 million it says it is owed because of extra costs and overtime associated with the district's efforts to get Joplin High School open in time for the 2014-2015 school year.

The district is also suing the P1 Group and a mediation session is scheduled Monday in the Kansas City offices of the law firm representing the district, Polsinelli P. C.


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Somethings fishy.

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    What? No wonder they are scattering! Tip of the iceburg. Sounds like the company "knew" Landis, Steele, & Huff. Won't surprise if they demand payment in full putting our new BOE in more uncharted territory. Explain this one Huff.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As one of the intellectual elite functioning at the level of Huff and Johnson, Marine PFC Gomer Pyle was quoted saying, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Note to Sarah Stevens, Mike Landis and anyone else who was upset at the members of the BoE who voted not to fund the professional development consultant:
    We are Joplin. We pay our bills. We do not leave hard working people and companies in the lurch while we pay someone to play games at meetings with teachers who would prefer to be in their classrooms TEACHING. I seem to remember a new member of the board saying that it seemed the money could be put to use elsewhere. Good call.

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    This is just one of many. Instead of using your tax dollars and donations to pay bills, Cj and his accomplices have been having a really good time with it. They are crooked to the core and are stiffing people all over the place. Think about that when you pay your taxes next time.

  6. Anonymous5:41 PM

    If the District does not pay it's bills, the State can step in and force the District to raise the tax levy by enough to cover the unpaid bills. They did it in Mac County about fifteen years ago and Mac County did pay it's bills but had let it's reserves sink too low.

  7. Anonymous5:53 PM

    This is a slap in the face to all those who helped Joplin. This school is a mess. Too many egos and too blank checks with promises of federal money 4 years after the tornado. With all do respect any payments from FEMA and SEMA should have already been made. In all honesty with all the changes I doubt they pay because it was nonessential spending. I feel sorry for the people of Joplin because not only were you taken by Wallace Bajalhi you were also taken some of your own they ran the school district.

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I suspect that, since Federal Money is involved, some folks in Washington are looking for a pretext to utilize all those FBI accountants to find out just what the hell went on down in these here hills.

  9. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I say hold those who were in charge of paying the bills responsible, Huff was given a blank check and told to spend it on the new schools how he saw fit, smmfh, that's just the BOE not doing their job. So maybe Huff should donate his so called 600,000.00 ( retirement ) towards paying the 6.5 million dollars owed, just saying...

  10. Anonymous7:16 PM

    The first thing to do is "follow the money". If there ain't enough to pay the bills, the first thing to do is look for any "bleed off accounts" where somebody with sticky fingers could hide it in plain sight. State Audits are fine as far as they go, however, they do not look for criminal acts so maybe it is time to call a Grand Jury for the purpose of looking into the School District Books.

  11. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Is there a reason why the state audit would not show these past due accounts?

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I am not certain what the audit actually found. It is a good thing I believe in coincidence or I might start thinking the suicide of the State Auditor and the suicide of his Assistant might have to be looked at a bit more closely.

  13. Anonymous4:54 AM

    They can't pay their bills and line their own pockets at the same time, folks. Be reasonable here. They have priorities. You know, like looking after Storm Stanley, who we now know is Banwart's BFF. Funny how these things eventually are found out. It's definitely time for an outside agency to take over the district, just to get rid of the pond scum that has floated up to the top and is suffocating the life under it. Banwart, your time to shine in the news has arrived. We will leave no stone unturned to reveal you and yours for what you are.

  14. Anonymous5:57 AM

    We can't pay our construction bills, but we can hire an advertising executive, more pr people, and keep an event coordinator on staff. All of these positions are completely and totally unnecessary, along with many others in the administration building. Remember that, people, when your kids are in crowded classrooms (where they will use the same trashbags all week long with all those germs stuck in them) and have a shortage of materials to work with when they try to do homework. But Banwart will do all she can to keep the district the same while she claims to be the instrument of change and negotiation. Hypocrite and accomplice.

  15. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The minutes of the special meeting posted on the Joplin Schools website says that an agreement was reached between Huff and the district. Do we get to see the agreement and how much that cost? Not much Sunshine there.

  16. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Amazing. $62 million in bond money (thanks, Lynda Banwart), $53 million (?) in insurance, unknown millions in donations, $74 million in extra loans, and THEY STILL CANNOT PAY THEIR BILLS? What excuse will Huffy Boy have for this one? How did they afford to buy out his sorry ass if they can't PAY THEIR BILLS? What a shameful time for R8 and Joplin. And still, Huff takes no blame for this. Just writes a love letter to his staff that made them want to gag, screws up the Board for who knows how long, and rides off to Arbor Hills to enjoy the good life.

    Send his fat ass the bill. He can make some speeches and pay for it. Or use his retirement/severance package. jerk.

  17. Anonymous3:57 AM

    It really is Grand Jury time, either in Jasper County, or failing that, in Newton County.
