Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Ryan Jackson to board: Get C. J. Huff under control

The following letter to the Joplin R-8 Board of Education was written by Ryan Jackson, who called for a point of order from the audience one week ago when Superintendent C. J. Huff was verbally assaulting board member Debbie Fort during the discussion of who should be elected board president. He has given the Turner Report permission to publish the letter.

Dear Board of Education Members,

I am writing to you concerning the persistent problem of Dr. Huff's continual behavior to step out of line and make a mockery of our school board. 

While many times during last night's meeting, several of you mentioned the need for a mediator to handle discord amongst you; yet what seemed to be lacking yet again in the last month is management of your one employee. 

 I spoke with many of the current incumbent members regarding my thoughts on CJ's own "cyber bullying" regarding his Facebook post against Mrs. Martucci's campaign, yet nothing has happened from that. Now with the board's failure to correct CJ's behavior, your comments regarding the need for a mediator grow because nothing was done to manage the one employee the board is responsible for. This lack in managing the situation seems to only have grown, as last night it has gone from starting a cyber-bullying scheme with a then potential school board candidate, to weighing in on board leadership decisions and creating the division amongst you. 

 I ask you why let him act out like that? Most disappointingly was that the only one among you to tell CJ to stop in that moment and that his actions were becoming inappropriate was Jennifer Martucci, yet most senior board member among you Mike Landis is supposed to be leading the meeting does not acknowledge it. 

 After you all let CJ publicly blast Debbie Fort for a second time and continued to let him rant and rave, I knew someone needed to point out your lack of order and that is why I called for a point of order, but even afterwards CJ continued to sit up there and nod his head and used his body language to criticize Debbie like a ill-behaved child. Do you have discord among you? Yes, but where is it coming from? The lack of action to control your one employee in the past, has now emboldened him to continue to act out. 

 Like I mentioned to some of you before, how do the actions of CJ Huff doing things like this look to the children of our district? The cyber-bullying, the disorder and disrespect would not be tolerated of a student, yet CJ has free reign. ENOUGH! 

 I know some of you have personal relationships with CJ, and the rest of you need to hold those board members accountable. If you can't put aside personal relationships for professional actions, then step down from your seat. The longer you all continue to ignore this, the more arrogant CJ's behavior will become, and perhaps some other members among yourselves will be the next one to be on the receiving end. 

 While Jennifer Martucci and Debbie Fort have handled CJ's bullying antics in a graceful manner, how will one of you handle it when you are treated in the same manner your constituents have been? CJ never should have weighed in on a board election, he never should have given his opinions of a former employee who is now his employer and criticized her openly as he did last night.
You all are letting CJ win these little bullying games, because he got what he wanted. He felt impervious enough after his attack on Jennifer Martucci as a board candidate after the past board failed to address that issue with him, that he now will do this with seated board members publicly. You gave CJ the platform to speak against Debbie Fort to show his one sided conflict against her, and to make you all feel like Debbie would not be a capable board president. So CJ wins in Debbie not getting elected as board president, and Debbie loses that election amongst you. So now CJ walks away unscathed? 

 Like Jeff Koch said last night, is holding Debbie back due to someone else's actions fair to her? Well last night it felt like you ALL said yes, and saw to it that CJ would not have to work with a board president he didn't want. So if the leadership is lacking among you to be CJ's employer, then who does he work for?

I said to many of you regarding CJ's Facebook blast against Jennifer Martucci that I would encourage you all to look at state protocol with the Department of Education, the Missouri Ethics Commission, and the Secretary of State regarding a superintendent acting out against candidates in an election. Ask personally yourselves and look into it first-hand. 

Ask Norman Rouse and Tina Smith about school employees weighing in on an election. I cannot imagine that it is permissible for teachers to be prohibited for some actions, yet administration is permitted to do it, and if so it the policies needed to be reviewed. Furthermore I would encourage you to ask Tina Smith about policies for the district regarding social media and appropriates uses of it by district employees. Now with this latest outburst, I would encourage you to ask Tina and Norman both to look at policies regarding personnel practices and whether or not it is permissible for an employee who left in good standing can have past work actions brought about publicly in a board forum by their former supervisor.

The bottom line is, this is all out of control, and this needs to be handled NOW. I strongly encourage you to address this issue immediately. While I know the public is not to be privy to how personnel issues are resolved, when the proper corrective action is taken against a public official it will create enough of a ripple in the pond that the public can realize something happened. I ask you all to be thorough, be fair, and take a stand and not let your employee run wild like this. I would encourage you all to contact me with any questions, comments, or follow up regarding this discussion.
Thank you for your time and your service.
Best regards,
Ryan Jackson


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    You all are letting CJ win these little bullying games, because he got what he wanted.

    Very much not the case. Sure, he didn't want Fort to become board president, with the power to call special meetings like the one tomorrow, and to set the agenda of all meetings, but that was part of his not wanting an anti-Huff board member becoming president.

    I personally believe he got one of the worst possible outcomes since there was no guarantee any board president or vice president would have been elected that evening, and the board would have continued with Landis as acting president in form if not name.

    Instead, with Koch controlling the agenda and running the board meetings ... well, I wouldn't be surprised if we see more public ugliness from Huff, but that's a cost of the public's inattention to what has been going on, getting their information from "news" sources like the Globe and so on. With Huff unable to find a new job, I don't see nice way for this to end.

    Instead, what the students are learning is that acting like he does can earn you a lot of money, at least for a few years. We just have to make sure it doesn't last a whole lot longer, not much past the next election.

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    A better solution is sending CJ Huff on his way now. As much money as he wastes a few dollars to pay his contract would be well worth it better yet fire him there are many documented acts of unethical behavior which would result in no payments.

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. C. J. Huff needs to find a different job. There was a time when he was a good leader but that time is gone.

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    If I had spoken to HIM the way he spoke to Dr. Fort, I would have, at the very least, been "written up". Seeing how this isn't his first offense, it's time to show this man the door.

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Need to set something straight, the Superintendent is not the only BOE's employee. The BOE sign the Teacher's and Administrator's contracts. The BOE vote on hiring and firing. The BOE vote on giving the raises to all. Everyone in the district works for the BOE, Superintendent is the leadership under the BOE the staff reports to besides their immediate supervisors. I believe the thinking he is their only employee gave him freedom to do his will as he decided. BOE take care of all your employees.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Ok...so the President can all a meeting and helps to set the agenda ,which is really not the case, the administration sets the agenda items and the President can add or remove them. So what? An board member at any time can bring up any topic they like and discuss it.

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM

    12:18 PM: Good points, but I seem to remember Fort getting shut down by Sharp and company at least one time she brought something up. If it's on the official agenda, that sort of thing won't happen, and it'll be harder to hide things in the consent agenda.

    But this is also important in getting other voices heard, since the public can't provide input at board meetings unless it's about items on the published agenda.

    The president also runs the meetings, and Koch stated very clearly there will be changes in that. In general, there's a great deal of power in running meetings if the president has a forceful enough personality.

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    His grammar is awful. That was really difficult to read.

  9. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Three votes on the BOE will be enough to cut Puff and Stuff and his schemes off at the knees.

    Gridlock and exposure can bring things to a screeching halt.

  10. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I agree. The BOE must resolve the issues with the superintendent. He and Landis have continued with their boorish behavior and Annie Sharp certainly didn't help matters with her "It's awesome" or "It's dandy" and cutting off any meaningful discussions. I think the former BOE carries some blame for the upheaval the district is in. They abdicated their responsibility and gave CJ total control. That never should have happened and it must not happen again. Clearly state to him what is expected and a time line and if he can't adjust, begin the process of removing him. I feel certain any teacher or classified staff member would have already been fired if they did a fraction of the behaviors exhibited by Mr. Huff.

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I'd vote to begin the removal process immediately.

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

    C.J.Huff reminds me of Eric Carman on South Park, when he doesn't get his way he says Screw you guys I'm going home. Fire the muck raker.
    Joplin will be better off without him.

  13. Anonymous5:56 PM

    i know is this: Joplin Schools have such a bad reputation, no pride, all drama and it gets worse every week!! I teach in a nearby district and we are appalled at everything that is going on. Something needs to be done or they are going to have swarms of their staff leave and the ones stay...well
    i feel sorry for them.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Fake, no you don't

  14. Anonymous7:11 PM

    This letter is great and I'm glad it was shared it with the Turner Report.
    It would be interesting to know if any board members responded and what they said.

  15. Anonymous10:30 PM

    When I think of all the pain and discomfort CJ Huff is personally responsible for by virtue of how employees and staff have been treated, particularly those who he and his SS labeled as "enemies", I have no sympathy for him. This is a case of chickens coming home to roost. His own ego was worth more, in the end, than treating others as he would want to be treated. I now know Besendorfer is indeed smarter than CJ, because she knew where things were going and when to get out; a lesson Doktor Huff has yet to learn. Even people once on his side are now jumping ship.

    I think of times when his people purposely interfered with the hiring of ex-teachers in other districts. He's written his own resume in public, at this point, and for any district willing to do the research they aren't going to want to hire him. Karma, baby. I just hope that in the future Joplin will actually do some research into potential applicants' history, because if anyone had actually looked into the backgrounds of people like Besendorfer or Wallace-Bajjali, they would have found plenty to cause hesitation. Let us please stop allowing ourselves to be wined-and-dined by Music Men and actually look for substance between-the-lines.

    The part from Mr. Jackson's letter about staff partaking in elections hits home. I do remember when staff were explicitly reminded of policy in what was interpreted as discouragement of political activities or endorsement. More of the "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality that Huff is infamous for. Respect cannot be demanded, it is earned. I think you see where such attempts at demanding got Flowers and Sharp. Who among you board members wishes to be next? Will you then still cling to your "elections don't matter" rhetoric?

    1. Anonymous4:15 AM

      Landis should have had disciplinary action against him as soon as he uttered those words.

  16. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Anson. You're up.

  17. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Students at JHS DO get away with bullying just like Huff! It is absolutely ridiculous. Even death threats from one student to another go un-addressed and unpunished. It is very very sad.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Fake sympathy, who says very very sad

  18. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Joplin School District is the laughing stock of the area. Tacky is a good word to use. Ewwy and yucky are less advanced but also appropriate. :(

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What is the law concerning spanking of superintendents? Does it have to be done in closed session, or can the public observe? I think a paddling is called for in this situation, but that would be for the Board to decide.
