Monday, June 22, 2015

Banwart: I'm happy with judge's decision; he ruled wisely

Joplin R-8 Board of Education member Lynda Banwart, who fought for the Jasper County Commission to appoint three new board members, was pleased with Judge Joseph Hensley's decision this morning that left the Commission's choices firmly in place.

Banwart told the Joplin Globe, "I'm happy with the way that Judge Hensley gave it due diligence and ruled very wisely," which seems to indicate that if Judge Hensley had ruled any other way, she would have said he ruled very foolishly.


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Who cares what she has to say, wasn't she going to request a new judge? Wackadoodle! She is a joke...a bad one...god help the children of Joplin Schools, they are screwed...

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I am so sick of Joplin Schools...I'm getting out. Any respect I ever had for Banwart is gone. Thanks for nothing! It is so very disheartening to witness the kind of board member she has become...what a vengeful little puppet. Now I hear we might be getting a $500 a year raise? What a slap in the face. Just keep it...maybe they can use that money to train and educate all the unqualified "Directors" at admin.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Our judicial system comes through again. I hope the sarcastic tone came through.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Banwart: I'm happy with judge's decision; he ruled wisely

    Sounds like the Knight in Indiana Jones.... You chose wisely!!

    GMAB Joplin kids lose in the end, but I think they lost sight of what's important a long time ago!!

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I wish I could get out, too. The district sucks. It really does. There are some great kids in this district that deserve an equally great district. There are a tremendous number of struggling students who also deserve a great district. Unfortunately, none of the students will get what they need, and the staff will, as usual, be held accountable for a mess they did not make and cannot fix, no matter what PD Sarah comes up with. One can only wonder what the students and staff of this district did to deserve the scorn of Lynda Banwart. I suppose since her children are finished she won't care at all what happens to the rest. We will remember this on opening day, I am sure. She may have won this little skirmish, but it has cost her in this town. We won't forget no matter where she goes.

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    We need a new judge this is just wrong.

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    How soon does construction of the new bar and kitchen facilities at the performing arts center begin? What about the VIP lounge area and the art gallery? Does a formal agreement need to be made first or can all the costs just all be charged to the future?

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Let's all show up at the meeting tomorrow and let Banwart how disgusted we are of her! Who does she really think she is? I am totally appalled...

  9. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If the ruling was to appoint Kimbrough I'm sure the judge would have been a a hero :)

  10. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The elitists win, I give up I already know of some people moving because of this.

  11. Anonymous5:09 PM

    1:35 Bravo! You are today's winner of the idiot award. I could start with about a million things Obama has done wrong...not a good analogy! Telling the correct ones to "suck it up" and live with it is STUPID!! Does anybody have any idea what is happening? The Judge told them they were right, then used some lame excuse to deny their Writ...what do right thinking people have to do to make positive change in this community? It boggles my mind!

  12. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The Queen of Spades wins this one, but her victory came at a cost. Everywhere she goes she will have to accept that she is disrespected and disliked. Of course, she only surrounds herself with others of her own ilk, so maybe, sadly, she won't even suffer socially. The Tea Party Queen survives another day, but remember, she was terrified of ending up as the subject of ridicule on the Turner Report because she was worried about how it would impact her income (not social life). So if all else fails, take your surgery needs to Freeman or Mercy. I'm pretty sure they can do everything there that can be done at Ortho 4-States.

  13. Anonymous6:31 PM

    There is always karma but how much more damage can she and her partners in crime do until karma kicks in?

    I just realized Lynda Banwart looks a bit like Sarah Palin. She's about as smart as her too.

  14. Anonymous7:05 PM

    For 6:31 PM

    “You should be ashamed! Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

  15. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Easy solution folks..... leave the Joplin School District before it goes down....

    And I am telling you....IT IS GOING DOWN!!!

  16. Sometimes bad people benefit from good decisions9:03 PM

    You Turnerites are the opposite side of the coin from this Lynda Banwart.

    She likes the decision because it gives her what she wants. You hate the decision because it doesn't give you what you want.

    Neither side has any respect for rule of law.

    1. Sometimes dumb people write stupid shit4:37 AM

      The Nazis nd the Allies were both just wantng to rule the world. There was really no difference betweem them.

      I can write eqally dismissive tripe about both sides of any issue and show myself to be above it all.

  17. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I should have identified the quote at 7:05.

    " You should be ashamed! Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!"

    It was a reference to Sarah Palin (who also quit mid term.)

    The quote was reported in this New York Times article: Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

    " And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said.

    “You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

  18. Anonymous4:33 AM

    wow I can't believe you people have resorted to name calling...amazing.
    there is so many deeper issues that what most of you're looking at whats on the surface. Take a look around dig deeper ask questions, stop having your childish kneejerk reactions.
    you are striking down someone who stood up for what they believed in???
    I hope to your names whom ever you are on the ballot....step in the ring see how you like it. But I know most of you cant and won't you would rather throw rocks from the cheap seats.

  19. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Mrs. Banwart is one of the kindest, caring, and compassionate people I've ever known.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Well said Lynda, well said.

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    8:35 Sarcastic much? Those are not quite the words one would use to really describe Banwart. Kind people do not force their will on others, caring people do what is right for the good of the children, not their own pocketbook, and compassionate people know how to actually compromise and give of themselves for the good of all. Those are not quite the words one would use I don't think. Greedy, egotistical, and vindictive are a few of the words that could be better used.

  21. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Move along troll

  22. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Maybe it's time to start digging into Ortho 4-States. I wonder just how 'nice' of a place it is.
