Saturday, June 27, 2015

Has Anson Burlingame shut down his blog?

Blogger and frequent Joplin Globe guest columnist Anson Burlingame has deleted his blog, according to a message on the website.

No explanation has been given. Burlingame had been on a tear in recent weeks, banning commenters who disagreed with him about the education and the Joplin R-8 School District.

Whether this is a permanent thing, or even possibly a problem with the blog host is not clear.

The message reads, " is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site."


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    One can only hope.

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    No internet at the Stephens Center?

  3. I am a robot.7:50 PM

    Come on Turner, Let the poor man mourn the passing of the late great Superintendent.

    Or maybe he was called by the government to lead a band of courageous young warriors to steal a Soviet nuclear submarine.

    Or maybe he retired...kinda like the Huffster,

    Or,.. if the two of them disappeared at the same time,,,,with the new Supreme Court ruling....just sayin'

  4. Anonymous8:01 PM

    It is almost too much to hope for. Flowers, Sharp, Steele, Landis, Sticklen, McGrew, Huff, CJ, and now Anson, gone from our midst. I'd wish him no harm, but he did the greatest harm to himself with those poor posts and editorials.

    I can just see Anson and CJ riding off into the sunset together. Have a great time, fellas (at our expense, of course).

  5. Anonymous8:05 PM

    This is just almost too much to take in all at once. you'll be telling us that Banwart doesn't wish to serve any longer and the Board will be free of all of CJ's guards.

  6. Anonymous8:09 PM


  7. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Be still, my beating heart! Perhaps the Globe has taken him on full-time, or even worse, Craven's employed him as his right hand man. Or maybe CJ has hired him as his press agent now that he doesn't have free ones courtesy of the school district.

  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Has anyone seen Carol Stark? I know, I know. We shouldn't be greedy. But still...

  9. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I hope that Anson's blog has been officially shut down. That guy is ridiculous and a complete ass. I love the fact that he is an expert on education even though he has never been a professional teacher . So , he was a substitute teacher for a brief while .,BIG WOW. He has absolutely no idea that there is so much more to teaching than content and keeping order . He has no idea about building rapport with students , parents , other staff etc . He has no idea about planning a lesson and keeping different learning styles in mind ..and no idea about the fact that teachers are so often frustrated because their hands are tied because of mandated testing ..etc . His limited views are what he bases his theoriies/ opinions on, and it's frustrating .

  10. Anonymous5:39 AM

    He can't very well apply to be Superintendent of R-8 while still operating his blog.

    He will probably need to stop submitting to The Globe too if he is serious about being superintendent.

    If you begin to see "It's the Chalk, Stupid" buttons, then you will know for sure that it's on like a pot of neckbones.

  11. Sounds like someone did not make their internet payment.

  12. Anonymous7:18 AM

    You know this just shows that there's hope in the world. It will be like this when the Democrats lose the presidential election and they crawl back into their lairs to plot the overthrow of America.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      So true. The Republicans had almost totally destroyed this country when Obama helped pull us out of the tail spin. Let's hooe for all our sakes that the Dems do overthrow the Repiblican idea of America.

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    You know, the above posts are hysterical! After all the drama and stress, we all needed a good laugh! Thank you!

  14. Really?8:55 AM

    Maybe they are working on CJ's uocoming best seller:

    "How I singlehandedly saved the piss poor shithole of Joplin Missouri from the tornado...and themselves."

  15. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Oh please tell me that Anson is not going to apply for the superintendent position . That is the last thing that Joplin needs .
