Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Video- C. J. Huff' directs his last tantrum at Joplin teachers

The discussion at Tuesday night's Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting over whether to rehire the expensive Core Collaborative consulting firm featured a historical moment- the final C. J. Huff board meeting tantrum.

Huff has saved these tantrums until the last year, spurred on by having female board members, namely Debbie Fort and Jennifer Martucci who dared to question him and to occasionally challenge him.

Last night, Huff turned his rage against another group- teachers who don't agree with him. If they don't agree with him, they need to be teaching in another district, he says in the accompanying video. Apparently, there have been more than 300 teachers during the past three years who have not agreed with him.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    This tells the tale. Good riddance, CJ.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Huff deserves to be fired. He does not deserve the graft he squeezed out of the Board in order to get him to leave. He is abusive and arrogant, in addition to being greedy. By the way, I don't recall that Bloomberg was the focus of BSIP last year since training didn't start until August and that was only for a very small percentage of staff.

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Yep, nothing retains teachers like cramming ineffective PD down their throats while simultaneously underpaying them. Thanks for stopping in and ruining our district, Dr. Huff. Don't feel like you need to come back for any visits. Somehow, someway, we will struggle on without you.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    And that's why we can't wait for him to leave. If only we could send Banwart, Stevens, and the rest of that horrendous administrative group with him.

  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Huff and Banwart: ELITISTS and spoiled brats!

  6. In awe.7:32 AM

    Huff don't go away mad.
    Huff just go away.

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Ladies and Gentleman........I give you the TRUE reason that teachers have been leaving the school district in large numbers......
    CJ Huff and his administration!

    This video is a very small illustration of what Joplin teachers have lived with during his time as our superintendent. His statements illustrate why teachers have left, lived in fear and responded as "anonymous" on this blog. It is my hope that one
    day soon I will be respected enough as a professional in the Joplin School district that I can once again openly and respectfully state my opinion and ask questions, using my name!

    Dr. Huff, this is the real legacy you leave behind. To me and many others you are no hero of the tornado. I will remember you as someone who lead our district by means of fear, intimidation and persecution. True leaders inspire and encourage. As you depart, I truly feel as if I am someone who has lived in abuse and captivity but now I have finally been liberated. Joplin teachers, as of July 1st, we will once again truly and honestly have regained our EAGLE PRIDE!!

  8. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Wth? I watched and didn't see him "throw a fit." What he said is absolutely correct. If you are a teacher you must follow the rules and guidelines that the board sets. Period. Now you may not like them but teachers can't just opt out. You seriously call this a hissy fit?

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      You haven't been following along, have you?

  9. Anonymous10:10 AM

    One of the stated pillars of the Huff administration is "Become the employer of choice."

    Just exactly what do you think he meant by that?

    I happily drive some distance from my Joplin home to teach elsewhere.

  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    We see your true colors shining through,
    We see your true colors, that's why we don't like you.
    So don't be afraid to pack and go,
    We see your true colors.

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Dear 8:29,
    You make it sound like all teachers just want get out of following the rules and guidelines. I suppose you also believe that all teachers get three whole months off every summer and only work from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. during the school year. Like your asinine comment, you are totally incorrect.
    Dr. Huff's total and blatant disrespect for teachers was summed up in his words when he stated that they could go to another district. Good administrators try to keep their teachers and staff members on staff every year as this only helps the students achieve more when they have experienced teachers who are guiding them. I urge you to compare other districts' percentages of experienced teachers with their students' achievement levels as I believe you will find a correlation between those two factors.
    It is not that teachers do not want to follow board policies and rules; they do these things on a daily basis. It is the negative and micromanaged atmosphere in which they must work that makes it such a downtrodden experience when you are faced with it every single day. Teachers should be lifted up and not forced to implement someone's "new" idea every other week. In other words, let them teach as that is what they went to school for and that is what they have been trained for.

  12. Anonymous2:05 PM

    All the citizens want from Huff is for him to go away. Huff was a failure and is in denial about that! He says retire. What did he have 30 years no. Did he have 80 and out no. Did he have 25 years is he drawing from the public school system. He didn't retire. Why did the district give him money to help the next person. No one can understand that All anyone wants is for him to go away. He was a failure. Leave. His opinion doesn't count for anything!

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You scored an 80. *an* *hear*

  14. Anonymous7:37 PM

    So much for retaining qualified teachers! Dare to say the emperor has no clothes and the response is "you can go teach in another district". Take a look at openings in neighboring districts and you will find 5 or 6 and many of those aren't even teaching positions. Take a look at the number of openings currently at Joplin. I only pray that things get better this next year. I am one of those highly qualified teachers who loves Joplin. Not sure how much more I can take.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      I now teach in a nearby district. I love my city of Joplin, but my mental and physical health just were not worth sacrificing at the Huff altar.

      My employing district treats me with respect and values my contributions. Not to over dramatize, but it feels like meeting a wonderful person after leaving an abusive relationship, I live in Joplin, and truly hope things get better here. Some significant steps have already been taken. My prayers are with you.
